Tuesday Truths

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

:: It's felt really good the past few days of being able to sleep in and not be in such a hurry all day long. I am still trying to get back into the swing of things though. 

:: I keep thinking about the two 14 year old boys who are lost at sea. When did young boys start sailing 19 feet boats on their own?? You can't even drive at that age but they were out in the ocean without any supervision? Is it just me that wonders why the hell the parents would allow that? I pray they are still alive and that we find them soon. #FindAustinAndPerry

:: Sometimes I think my husband would like me to change up into a 1950's housewife just so he don't have to hear me complain. Too bad. I will never be the kind of person who sits back and keeps my mouth shut with a smile on my face.  It just won't happen. God didn't make me that way. I am never going to try to be someone I am not. 

:: Its been so hot here lately. I have been having to keep the sliding doors closed most of the day to let the air help cool things down...until the sunsets. And then I am opening the house back up. I need fresh air! 

:: Bobbi Christina is finally at peace with her mom. Talk about tragic. I have felt for a while that she was already gone. I think they needed each other so much and now they can finally be at peace together. But it's still really really sad. 

:: Brittany and I had such a good time while we were away. I love the Biltmore and so did she. It was the perfect mother daughter trip and we made a ton of memories. Sorry some didn't like her clothes or what have you. I am proud of her all the way around and mean hateful comments will get your ass blocked. FOREVER. 

:: Donald Trump is giving me all kinds of giggles here lately. :) I would never ever vote for him but I do find him entertaining to say the least! 

:: I had a tooth removed on the bottom back last year and I think my teeth have shifted all around and my mouth kinda feels weird. Sight....guess I need to make a dentist appt for myself as well as Jackson. 

:: Here's another story in the news that got my attention. Two brothers were burnt beyond belief ( see story here ) because their daycare didn't put sunscreen on them during a waterpark trip. I would flip out so badly over that. I would probably commit a felony over that happening to my kids. What a neglectful bunch of idiots at that daycare. I feel so sorry for the kids who didn't deserve to be in that kind of pain. What kind of people allow that to happen? 

:: My purse is a disaster. I am actually using a large one that I like to use for travel so I am going to switch it out today. I can't live with it this way. 

:: A couple of our neighborhood houses got sold. So now I get to listen to home repairs happening right now. It's one of those big loud saws that annoy me to no end. I seriously need a country home. I am just not that happy with neighbors. I pretty much keep to myself and stay away from most of them. It's just not my thing.

:: Jackson looks like he grew over the summer at his dads. Most of the clothes he went up with seem too tight or little on him now. Glad it's time for some back to school shopping. He needs new clothes asap.

:: I need to work in my planner today. I didn't have a plan to do anything yesterday except recoup after a long week with Brittany. It was an amazing time but I needed a break. It's time to get back at it now though. 

:: I cleaned out the frig Sunday and it felt so good. I needed to do it before I left on our Biltmore Trip and didn't....so when I got home we had some science experiments going on. I cleaned it from top to bottom which took a good hour and now it looks amazing. Yea! 

:: For some reason my lavender is struggling this year. I might try to replant it and see if that helps. Something is wrong.

:: I have a lot of giveaway prizes and such to mail out. Please be patient. I plan on getting all that handled this week. Promise! :)

I hope you guys are having a great Tuesday! I'll be back a little later with a new video. xx
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