DITL Vlog: Girls ONly Trip! Biltmore Day 2! :)

Monday, July 27, 2015

Happy Monday friends! I normally do a big week in review post on Monday's but we are still kinda off schedule blogging wise. Instead, I am sharing a new Day in the Life Vlog from my girl only trip with Brittany. We were able to escape last week and head to Ashville, NC to the Biltmore. It was such a lovely trip. Scott had to work and couldn't go but I am sure he would have loved it just as much if he went too. This was a long day, so it's a long vlog. I thought about it, and decided to go ahead and put everything in one video. I am not going to post a new video tomorrow in case you can only watch 30 minutes or so; you can pause and come back tomorrow and finish it up. Hope you enjoy! 

Hopefully by next Monday we will be back on a regular schedule around here. I do have a lot of to dos this week and really need to get busy before school starts in a few weeks for Jackson. There is more back to school shopping, registering kids in school, and maybe even a trip down south if all goes as planned. So it's a busy time in our home...like many of yours! :) A new school year brings a new fresh start...which I actually like. I will be back blogging and sharing daily again...and there are a lot of videos that have not even been posted. So I have a lot to catch up on. How was your weekend? Are you getting ready for back to school? It sure is coming fast! Thanks for stopping by...I'll talk to ya soon.