Hello friends! I hope you are having a wonderful Monday. As many of you know... I post a week in review recapping what happened over the week & weekend. Its something that I have been doing off and on for years. Its just a simple way to give you guys a glimpse into our week. I have changed up the vlogging schedule where I will be uploading a Day in the life vlog Monday...as always and then another on Thursday. Monday's vlog will cover Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the previous week and Thursdays vlog will be for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Actually I might be adding more vlogs in during the week...depending on how much I vlog.

Speaking of the cats...this past week we had a huge scare. While we have been nursing them back to health after their surgeries, I go out to the store only to find Romeo out on the front porch by himself. I just happened to glance up there while I was pulling into the garage and saw something cream colored in the corner. I walked around the corner and about died when I saw him. As soon as I got him in, he ran right to the food bowl...making me think it was Scott and Jackson that let him out earlier in the morning.
Of courses all the other cats were hiding but I was flipping out trying to find them. It took about 2 hours to find all the cats and finally have some peace. Thankfully Romeo was the only one who got out and was too scared to leave the porch. He's certainly the King Kitty Cat of this house but outside the door is a different story! I would be lost without that cat. ♥ I wish I could clone him.
The rest of the weekend was spent hanging out with the boys. The neighborhood is coming alive with all the sunshine beaming down on us. I am not a huge fan of living here but its nice to see everyone out in their yards enjoying the day. I still dream of a country house with no neighbors but it's not terrible here. I am trying to get use to it... still after 2 years. But I am grateful for this house keeping us dry and warm. Sunday was a busy day for all my neighbors! I lived on coffee most of the morning and afternoon. Scott and Jackson went fishing at his friends house which was nice for them. I don't know if I would want to get up at 6am on my day off to go fishing but they sure did. :)
I went shopping later in the afternoon and got what I thought we would need to get us through the week. I didn't really want to go but I was happy to get done and not have to worry about it for a week or so. And then it was time for Sunday night prep. Tiding up the house, working on laundry, getting stuff ready for Jackson at school, plugging in all the electronics to be charged, and so much more. It's just part of it to get us ready for a new week. But within a few months, summer will be here. There will be no more school and we have a vacation on a big boat to enjoy! It's nice that the seasons are changing. Sunshine always makes me happy!
The rest of the weekend was spent hanging out with the boys. The neighborhood is coming alive with all the sunshine beaming down on us. I am not a huge fan of living here but its nice to see everyone out in their yards enjoying the day. I still dream of a country house with no neighbors but it's not terrible here. I am trying to get use to it... still after 2 years. But I am grateful for this house keeping us dry and warm. Sunday was a busy day for all my neighbors! I lived on coffee most of the morning and afternoon. Scott and Jackson went fishing at his friends house which was nice for them. I don't know if I would want to get up at 6am on my day off to go fishing but they sure did. :)
I went shopping later in the afternoon and got what I thought we would need to get us through the week. I didn't really want to go but I was happy to get done and not have to worry about it for a week or so. And then it was time for Sunday night prep. Tiding up the house, working on laundry, getting stuff ready for Jackson at school, plugging in all the electronics to be charged, and so much more. It's just part of it to get us ready for a new week. But within a few months, summer will be here. There will be no more school and we have a vacation on a big boat to enjoy! It's nice that the seasons are changing. Sunshine always makes me happy!
This weeks to do’s
- Clean up the house today.
- Follow schedule more
- Make Dr. Apt for physical.
- Take more walks outside...but more walks on the treadmill at least.
- Clean the pets bowls
- Spend 30 minutes a day in the closet purging more clothes that I don't want or need.
- Get giveaway prizes mailed out.
- Figure out priority list to tackle online work.
- Watch less tv... enjoy the quiet.
- Try out a new bread machine recipe
- Work on new vision board.
- Get back on track with my nightly routine.
- Be understanding over Jackson's report card.....practice kindness
- Clean jewelry
- Have a wonderful Tuesday with Scott.
- Schedule Scott my anniversary dinner at the melting pot. We want one of those cozy private booths. :)
- Go check PO Box on Tuesday with Scott.
- Wash and change out all the bedding. Might get us all new soft pillows sometime soon.
- Make time to go paint with Jackson.
- Make Romeo a Vet appointment for a check up. We want him to live forever. ♥
- Clean up inbox
- Get back on yoga routine
- Update planners and family calendar for April 2015
- Brush out the cats really well...they need it.
- Clean the ashes out of the fire place and look for some candles to put in it for spring and summer.
- Try to get ahead of videos.
- Clean leather furniture.
- Buy some flowers for the back deck...we need some color out there!

Right at midnight my little Brittany Belle sent me the sweetest birthday message. She is so adorable...when she wants to be! I miss her so much. I think when it's really the right time to move again it will probably be up north next to her. It's not always easy but she is my hope...along with the rest of the kids. Around here we are celebrating over a couple of days. I think Scott is bringing home a cake and such tomorrow and Tuesday when he is off work we are going to spend the day together. I want to go see The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel 2 for part of my birthday which is totally exciting. I looooved the first movie so I am hoping to really enjoy the sequel.
I hope you guys are having a wonderful Monday. It's hard for so many. If that's the case... slow down and try to find something in the day to be grateful for. Thanks so much for stopping by. If you are new here, I'd love it you took a second to subscribe!