Hello friends! I hope you are having a wonderful Monday. As many of you know... I post a week in review recapping what happened over the week & weekend. Its something that I have been doing off and on for years. Its just a simple way to give you guys a glimpse into our week. I have changed up the vlogging schedule where I will be uploading a Day in the life vlog Monday...as always and then another on Thursday. Monday's vlog will cover Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the previous week and Thursdays vlog will be for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Actually I might be adding more vlogs in during the week...depending on how much I vlog.

I really thrive and get things done when I have some kind of road map of how I want the day to go. This could be a to do list, notes on the chalkboard wall, the to do list below or my handy dandy Inkwell Press Planner which I love so much. As you can tell, it was a bit hectic last week and it took a while for me to get things balanced out.
The weekend approached and the weather changed. It went from a cold rainy few days to sunshine, birds singing, kids playing outside... it was simply wonderful. I do want to move but I feel so blessed to see mountains all the time. There is something so peaceful about this area. It's growing on me. And let me say, North Carolina doesn't hold a candle to South Carolina. It's so much nicer here.
I want to look for a new house in the area but if I have to be here because of Scott's work.. I think I am ok with it. It's grown on me and I feel relaxed here. It's a beautiful state really and there is so much more of it I want to explore. With the rise in the temperatures, I have actually been feeling better. The sunshine is amazing and everyone around here has been out in their yards, kids are back to playing outside, and the birds are chirping again.

For whatever reason, I woke up Sunday morning before either of the boys. I sprung out of bed and took one look in the mirror and knew I had to do something. I called the girl who cut my hair and she was actually working Sunday morning. I was in the car at 9am heading in to get it fixed. I just required a toner and I was all good.. and had a nice blow out too. The boys were still sound asleep by time I got home an hour later. :) I was so thankful it was fixed. I won't do that again. She said if I had left it on a bit longer it probably would have lightened and not had that brassy tint to it. But it was looking pretty white and I wasn't going for a Gwen Stefani look ya know. I just had to wash it off but apparently that was not the right decision. Once I was back home with my fresh cut and.... now color, I got busy washing blankets and clothes... eventually waking my husband up at 1pm. He works so many hours, I figured the sleep was doing him a lot of good. Once he was up the boys went out to have a little fun and I had some time to work even more around the house. I knew today was going to be super busy so I just had to go with it and get as much of the weekly cleaning done as possible. It felt amazing with the spring breeze blowing through the windows.
All the kitty cats loved it too. I think they wish they could roam outside but that will never happen without them being harnessed up and taking a quick walk. I just couldn't put them outside. Spring just makes everything seem better. Sun makes everything better. It was truly a wonderful Sunday. I stayed rather busy as did Scott with painting his bathroom but there was time to fly a kite with Jackson in the backyard, breaks out on the front porch with a glass of sweet tea as the afternoon passed by. I talked to Laura this morning, Brittany too.. and knowing that both of the girls were ok over the weekend just made it even better. ♥ All the kids doing well and happy just puts me at peace.
This weeks to do’s
- Get Jackson to the Dr. in just a few minutes...then to school.
- Finish weekly cleaning
- Clean up back deck....it needs to look more spring like!
- Drink less Mt. Dew and more healthier drinks...does sweet tea count!?
- Package up giveaway packages and mail out later in the week.
- Work on thank you notes... and send out at the same time the packages go out.
- Call and catch up with mom.
- Finish my current book
- Take the animals to get fixed on Tuesday. Super Cooper and all the female kitty cats are going in together.
- Paint toe nails
- Brush out the animals before they go to their Vet appointment.
- Go through closet and toss more clothes that I no longer want.
- Start looking for a new house. Scott said find one and we can move....guess I better get busy!
- Continue to work in the spare bedroom. Still a lot to do in there.
- Get back to walking and yoga.
- Clean the mini blinds. A job I don't enjoy but I have a little tool that makes it easy at least.
- Try to stay ahead of the game with the videos this week.
- Balance check book. :\ I'm terrible with numbers but I try!
- Clean out car....I hate doing it in winter..but it's warm enough now to get it done. It's almost time I can put the top down!
- Dump pictures from phone for space.
- Look for a new book shelf to get the metal shelf out of the master bedroom. Maybe Ikea.
- Kiss my husband and son more!
- Buy birdseed for homemade bird feeders.
- Toss old makeup, lotions and such. Declutter!
Here's some inspiration to take a long with through the week:

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