Hello friends! I am back today sharing a product that my husband and son have been loving. I was recently contacted to try out a Rotator Shower Rod. I normally don't do reviews like this for the most part. Normally it's beauty, planners, and such but this really caught my eye. I decided to say yes...and here's my video open box, demo and review...and more pictures plus the giveaway is below!
So when Colleen contacted me to try this out, I really thought about it. I don't like to just say yes to everything and I don't want a lot of stuff cluttering up the house. I checked out their website and saw that it really gave the shower a lot more room. A lot like those large round shower rods in hotels and hospitals. I thought that this would probably work well in the boys bathroom upstairs. It's a small bathroom and the shower is not very roomy and kinda dark. I measured the area and picked out the Brushed Nickle and just a short time after I put in the order, it arrived. It comes packaged in a long box with the Rotator Rod tightly secured inside. It comes with 2 different ways to install it. You can put it into the way or you can choose to buy the no drill adapter kit that won't damage your walls. Perfect for apartments or rental properties.
Scott read the directions all the way through before starting. We choose to add it to the wall because he had 2 shower curtains on it and we worried about the weight but I am sure the no drill way would have worked just as well. I kept it in case we want to put it up in another house one day where we do not want to drill.He's not very handy but he was able to get this rod up with very little trouble. He did have a question while he was installing it and called the office right up and seconds later the job was completed. I think its super important to measure the width before ordering to ensure a proper fit and you also have to measure how high you want it.
Then he screwed the little plates into the wall. There are also videos right here in case you want to see more on installation. But you get the wall mounts up and then just take the pre assembled Rotator Rod out of the box, snap in the disk on each side and then move the ball and cap to each end. It's easier than what I am making it sound!
Then you add your shower curtain and the handy dandy handle that allows you to move the shower curtain in or out in a very simple motion.
In the picture on the left, the shower rod is in. This allows you to save room in the bathroom when you are not in the shower. The picture on the right shows you how it looks open. This is perfect for a claustrophobic person like myself. It gives you plenty of room to move around and with the extra space you could totally dry off in the shower without ever getting cold!
It's amazing at the amount of room you get. When it's shut...like a standard shower rod, you are bumping into the curtain and it's a small tight space. Which is totally the reason I don't really care for the boys shower. However, with the new Rotator Rod we now have 33% more in that shower. It extends out and gives so much more room and light into the shower. Scott has been using it for over a week now and loves it. Jackson has to stand on top of the toilet to move it in or out but it works for him too! :)
This shower rod could be used in so many different ways. I think it could work in any door frame that you want to hang a curtain that you enter into a lot and need more space, its perfect for motor homes and its perfect for small bathrooms, even college dorms.
This company is starting a big kickstarter campaign starting March 19, 2015 to really introduce this product to the public. You can find out so much more about this program and this really cool shower rod right here. It's not live yet but will be in a few days but you are getting a sneak peak! I am most impressed with how well this works. Its simple yet highly effective for giving you a lot more space in the shower while saving you space in the bathroom. My family loves it!

You can enter by following the directions in the Rafflecopter widget posted below. I’ll announce the winners on THIS blog and post contact the winner directly through email. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Also if you want to just go ahead and get one for yourself you can use the code KISHA for 10% off until May 16th...so be sure to take advantage of that if you want one! If by some chance you are just coming by for the first time, I would love it if you subscribed!

Also if you want to just go ahead and get one for yourself you can use the code KISHA for 10% off until May 16th...so be sure to take advantage of that if you want one! If by some chance you are just coming by for the first time, I would love it if you subscribed!