As I mentioned in the video above, you don't have to have any of the items I showed to have a efficient calendar. I think all the stickers and washi tape are great but not necessary. You can totally grab any calendar or organizer with a pen or pencil and get started. I happen to like a little color for reminders and such but you can do everything you need to do by just being minimal. It's not about how to decorate a planner...even though those videos are great. Its about making your life easier for yourself and your family using your planner.
I have tons of other videos that you can check out all my other planning videos right here or on the playlist on my youtube channel. I would love to hear how you plan, what calendars or planners you like best.. if you care like sharing! If you are new here, I'd love it if you took a few seconds and subscribed so you don't miss anything. :)