Hello friends! I hope you are having a wonderful Monday. As many of you know... I post a week in review recapping what happened over the week & weekend. Its something that I have been doing off and on for years. Its just a simple way to give you guys a glimpse into our week. I have changed up the vlogging schedule where I will be uploading a Day in the life vlog Monday...as always and then another on Thursday. Monday's vlog will cover Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the previous week and Thursdays vlog will be for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Actually I might be adding more vlogs in during the week...depending on how much I vlog.
Here's whats been going on this past week:
This past week started off with winter at it's finest. I don't get it. Aren't we suppose to be moving into spring!? Well, Monday the snow blew in to South Carolina and while we didn't get near as much as so many of you guys, we got enough to shut the town down. I was actually out shopping when I looked through the department store windows and saw snow flying around. Scott was calling non stop asking me to pick up the pace with the shopping and get home. He's a typical husband who doesn't want his wife out driving on snowy icy roads. So I did just as he asked and got home. It was barely covering the porch at that time but as the night fell, it picked up and we got a nice little dump of snow in our neighborhood. The happiest one in the house about it was our Super Cooper. He pranced right out the door and playing out in the yard for a while. I have to admit...I might like the no snow area but just for a couple of days, we had a winter wonderland.
Tuesday morning the neighborhood kids were out sledding and giggling. It was worth it. I spent Tuesday cleaning and packing to get ready for our trip. I stuck to my mighty to do list and got it done. Jackson was out of school and actually helped around the house which I totally appreciated. We had a lot to get done in a short amount of time. By time I hit the bed on Tuesday, I was exhausted. I had everything mostly packed but still a few things to finish up in the morning before we had to leave.
Morning came wayyyy to fast. I was kinda grumpy and I moving at a snails pace. Scott was being the cheerleader trying to pep us up to get things finished up so we could leave. It was lunch time before we were on the road. The major highways were not so bad but the ice on the trees looked so beautiful. We all settled in for an 11 hour trip one way. Scott did the driving while Jackson and I kept busy with the electronics.
I was happy that I could actually plug my laptop into an outlet in the car...yep! I love that... and then I hooked up my phone to it and got perfect internet while driving down the highway. It's called tethering and it allowed me to work for many hours. However, I blew through our data and actually had to call and up the plan from the car. Opps. It really helped pass time and it was so fun doing the Wednesday Hodgepodge with Scott. How often does that happen!? It was worth it.
We arrived at the hotel around 830pm. We picked the Holiday Inn this time and it was pretty nice. It was a bit smaller than the last room we had but we didn't need a full kitchen. The hotel is new and really comfortable. We were in there only long enough to clean up before we were off to Buffalo Wild Wings for a quick easy dinner. With our full bellies we headed back to the room for some sleep for the early morning that was going to show up wayyyyyy too soon.
Scott and I actually woke up in pretty good moods and managed to get ready without even waking Jackson up. Guess he was super tired too. It was a long day of appointments but we just went with the flow of things and didn't stop until we finished everything. Jackson stayed in the hotel and during a break we grabbed him some lunch and dropped it off before speeding away to the next place we had to go. We ended the night with a quick dinner at Applebees. Mashell, a sweet online friend sent us a gift certificate for dinner on our trip. It was so sweet, kind and touching. These trips have been really expensive but we are getting by with the grace of God. And we are very thankful for the love and support from our family and friends. I wish I could update you guys on what happened but I just can't. Even still we need your prayers and faith that everything will work out.

Once we got in and settled we all kinda split up and had some alone time. After being in the car and hotel together for 4 days, we needed the break. One thing that I actually missed that night was Scott in the bed. We slept together every night on our travels and it was rather nice. I think we might just switch things around and start sleeping together again. We do here some but its so much easier to go to bed on our own that we have been kinda lazy about it. However, I kinda liked it and might just get a new king bed to cozy up in. :)
The weekend started with us back home and I got busy doing all the housewife life duties that I have which included grocery shopping, cleaning, laundry and then on Saturday I tackled our insane plastics cabinet. Its been driving me crazy so I got rid of a lot of the pieces without lids and such and moved it all to a top cabinet. It's easier for my family to keep it organized if it's a cabinet on top. The bottom cabinets they seem to just toss things in because they don't want to bend down. Honest to God I am still figuring our family out. I guess learning about each other and learning how to make things work for us is never ending. ♥
And here we are! Lots going on this week.. here's some of my to do's. :)
This weeks to do’s
- Do weekly cleaning today......and tomorrow. I have just had too much online work here lately.
- Write out thank you notes and mail.
- Work in planner.
- Keep up with Yoga routine.
- Get to bed earlier.... and shut the computer sooner too.
- Clean the oven.
- Get nails done.
- Call Dr. re Jackson.
- Try to keep up with videos... PRERECORDS as much as possible.
- Have more patience with Scott and Jackson.
- Work on Trader Joes grocery list.
- Spend 1 hour in my closet this week picking it up and organizing.
- Start a new book.
- Remember to put Cooper on the treadmill every other day.
- Clean out Jackson's backpack.
- Drink more tea than coffee...wish me luck!
- Find new daily devotional book and order.
- Reply to emails.
- Check PO Box
- Clean up spare bedroom.
- Budget for cruise
- Work on information pack for Louisiana.
- Wash bedding.
- Run to dollar store and get more dishwasher soap. I totally forgot it at the store.
- Go to the Drivers Licensee Branch to get a new one. I hate that errand. Hopefully I can get Scott to go with me!
- Test out a new bread machine recipe.
- Clean more windows. There are so many windows in this house....it takes forever to get them all clean.
- Use fireplace more. February's electric bill was a bit high.
I hope you are having a beautiful Monday! I have a busy to do list just for today and I am running behind. I am going to be working into the evening to catch up. It's trying to warm up around here and melting most of the snow. I am so ready for spring. Thanks so much for stopping by! If you are new here, I'd love it if you took a few seconds and subscribed so you don't miss anything. :)