Happy Tuesday friends! I am back with another edition of Tuesday Talk & Truths. Hope you enjoy!
We got another dump of unexpected snow last night that changed today. Scott was suppose to be off work but had to go in and Jackson was suppose to go to school but it was cancelled. The snow around here is so schedule changing.
I ran around here like a crazy person yesterday cleaning so I could spend today with Scott but now looking back, I should have just took my time and not worried about it.
I totally need to start a fire but I sure don't want to do it yet. But if I don't....the electric bill will be outrageous!
I cleaned my desk late last night and it looks amazing. However, it won't last long...it never does.
I am a little irritated by something my oldest son typed. I wish I could ban the internet from ALL the kids from the oldest to the youngest. I don't think the kids understand how inappropriate some of the things they say are.
I was planning on going out to get my nails done and possibly my hair cut today. Now, plans have changed because I can't go driving in this weather. I like my car too much to go out and wreck it. We'll see what happens tomorrow.
Scott and I are close to buying another bed and starting to sleep together again. We cuddled up and enjoyed sleeping together again on our last trip to Louisiana and we are going to try it here too. ♥
I wish the White House would just put me on the payroll. I have some great ideas to fix some of our current problems. Maybe I should have set my eyes on politics in college. Probably too late now. Maybe when Hillary is President she can hire me! :)
Scott made coffee this morning...YUM!
I am going to put dinner in the slow cooker in just a bit so I don't have to think about it later. Maybe its a recipe that I will share because it's so good.
I have so many emails to respond to. Maybe during this cold snow day, I can get to replying. If you are expecting a email back... keep a look out!
TMZ & The Daily Mail get way too much of my time.
Cooper - our big golden retriever and 3 cats are sleeping the couch right now...looks like they are snuggling up and trying to keep warm too....on this very cold day.
I have so many giveaways lined up. Exciting! Be sure to check back often and get entered.
I am stuck on time period movies. Seriously...its a obsession of mine. Right now while the snow falls, I am watching Becoming a Lady...and so far it's really good! I might just stay in my pjs all day. I'm not even joking.
I am not so happy about Scott being at work today either. However, they covered for him while we were in Louisiana for 3 days so it's his turn now. I guess it's only fair.
I'm so jittery... guess that's a sign of too much coffee. Maybe its more of a hot cocoa day.
I feel sorry for all the birds right now. They are jumping all around on the patio furniture. I need to remember to get bird food for them when I go out again. Maybe Jackson and I can make some homemade bird feeders...sounds fun!
I just did a planner haul video and then last night I get online and ordered a lot more. I knew I should have waited to record that video. I guess I will share it in a planning sessions video or vlog.
The house is pretty clean from all my work yesterday and I love it.
Jackson has been doing more evening chores. He might not like it but I sure appreciate the dishwasher being cleaned out and the trash taken out. :)
I have the sweetest housesitter ever. She is so nice and does a great job. She even shoveled snow and ice so Cooper wouldn't slip. I actually was running late the day we left and forgot to do a bunch of stuff like sit out the dry cat food, wash Coopers dishes, and a few other things that she handled for me.
I need to package up my sisters hookah and get it mailed this week. That job needs to go on the to do list before I forget it again.
I am so tired of cold weather. The snow is pretty but I sure wish I was sitting on a warm beach right now. Hawaii sounds nice.
My voicemail is so full that no one else can leave a message. It's just not a good way to get a hold of me. I hate listening to them all.
Thanks so much for stopping by! I will be back with a new video in just a bit! Stay tuned. ♥