Hello friends! I hope you are having a wonderful Monday. As many of you know... I post a week in review recapping what happened over the week & weekend. Its something that I have been doing off and on for years. Its just a simple way to give you guys a glimpse into our week. I have changed up the vlogging schedule where I will be uploading a Day in the life vlog Monday...as always and then another on Thursday. Monday's vlog will cover Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the previous week and Thursdays vlog will be for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Here's what went on around here this past week:
We got back from our Christmas trip on Sunday night. So the beginning of the week was unpacking, doing laundry, and trying to catch up on things around the house. I never like to come home to a messy house so we cleaned before we left but there is still always so much do to once we do get back home.
I actually started laundry on Sunday but well into Wednesday I was still doing it. It's never ending around here but I was actually happy to be home so it didn't feel too overwhelming or tiring. We had been gone for a week and I think both Scott and I needed that so we could appreciate it here more. I also got busy filming videos and editing over those few days too. I got my Christmas gifts recorded which is always a hard video to put up because it feels weird. But so many of you guys like to know where certain things came from so I do it anyway. We also had to make a lot of time for Super Cooper. You could tell he was busting at the seams with happiness we were back home. I think he gets along well with our housesitter but he had been lonely and it showed.

We were also all home together on New Years Day. We pretty much stayed in our pjs all day long. I mean why not!? Scott doesn't get many days off and neither does Jackson. So we had the most easy start to the new year. Gone are the days of hangovers and regrets. Instead its all about being together and making the most of our time as a family. In the middle of loud boys, barking dogs and crazy kitty cats, I did mange to get my planner updated for the new year and new week! I also finally figured out my new year schedule and plan of attack. I just changed around my youtube schedule and tried to layout my homekeeping to do's also. Everything should run smoothly if I keep up with the schedule. It's so easy to get overwhelmed but with a schedule it really keeps my head straight/ Thank goodness because I would be totally lost without some kind of road map of how things are going to go.
Also in the new year I started using the Dr. Denese face serum and I have really been loving it. I feel like with all the hot water in my nightly baths and such make my skin so dry especially my face. So far this has taken the place of my night cream and leaving my skin super soft and hydrated in the morning. Thanks mom! :)
It took me forever to get up the motivation to go to the grocery store but I did it and was so happy when I got home. I don't want to get out in the cold weather and I put it off as long as I could. You can see the haul here if you wish. I should be going back to Thursday to pick up more. I am done with feeling like I have to go on this certain day because that's when I like hauls to go up. Nope, instead I am trying to go less and save money.
It took me forever to get up the motivation to go to the grocery store but I did it and was so happy when I got home. I don't want to get out in the cold weather and I put it off as long as I could. You can see the haul here if you wish. I should be going back to Thursday to pick up more. I am done with feeling like I have to go on this certain day because that's when I like hauls to go up. Nope, instead I am trying to go less and save money.
Another thing has happened with the new year, all the kitty cats in the house have fallen in love with my thirty one tote. Every time I turn around one of them is in there. I guess they love it as much as I do. Sunday was pretty easy around here.I got my Sunday inspiration blog post up first thing. I actually think it's one of the post personal blog posts that I have written in a while. I had Scott drive me to the PO Box but that was it for errands. We came back and all enjoyed the chocolate pie that I made. Its so easy and anyone can make it. The boys played a lot of xbox while I ran around getting dinner done and things ready for Jackson to head back to school today. I finished the night with a long hot bath and then settled in to watch the first episode of Downton Abbey season 5. Did any of you guys watch? I thought it was amazing. :)
Today is cleaning day which does not bring a ton of excitement but I am thankful to have a home to clean and a family to clean for. So I got to count my blessings while breaking out the feather duster! Here are some other things I hope to accomplish this week:
- Clean the house in full today. Yea, not really wanting to do that!
- Keep up with emails. I really need a new email system for gmail. Any suggestions? I get so many and sometimes it's really hard to keep up with them all.
- Work on Christmas cards. Get out as many as I can this week. And also resend out a giveaway prize that came back. Post office errand this week.
- Stop worrying about what others think of me. What matters most is what I think of me. ( now I need to repeat that line 10x a day to get it to sink in my head!)
- Run to the dollar store on Tuesday. We need stuff.
- Find another bread machine recipe to try this week.
- Work on my daily challenges. I will be sharing them in instagram pictures and a weekly youtube video for the month of January. Find me on instagram @kjaggers and follow along!
- Menu plan for Thursday.
- Brush out the cats.
- Make up for some harsh words I said to Scott. Sometimes he just makes me so angry!
- Pay bills and file old papers away.
- Bring in more firewood. Wednesday is suppose to be the coldest night yet.
- Start a new book.
- Work on book to take to court for Zane.
- Organize nightstand drawer. Its disorganization is driving me crazy.
- Check and delete voicemails. Yea.. don't bother. I never check them on the day they are left unless I think it's something serious. I should have made that a new year resolution because a lot of times they pile up on my phone until there is no more space left.
Here's some inspiration to take along with you this week ♥
Thanks for coming by. I know this is a long post but there is no way I can do a WIR with just a paragraph or two. I will have another vlog on Thursday and video's in between along with blog post! Be sure to come back and feel free to follow me on youtube so you don't miss any new videos!
Feel free to let me know how your new year kicked off if you care like sharing!