Hello friends! I hope you are having a wonderful Tuesday. I was thinking about what kind of post on Tuesdays I would like to share in the new year. I thought Tuesdays would be good for a little truth talk. Hope you enjoy! :)
- This cold weather is freezing me out. I just changed into my pjs and calling it a night. It's cold outside, inside and its hard finding any motivation when I am freezing.
- Husby is home was grumpy a while ago and now trying to be nice. Got to forgive and move on but it's not so easy for me to turn the other cheek.
- I kinda feel ashamed that we ate the chocolate pie up really fast. Glad it was a hit!
- Cupcake woke me up this morning meowing at the door. She slept with me but when heard the boys up, wanted out to say good morning! :)
- I am so proud of our daughters. I am proud of the boys too but the girls have excelled and are taking lead roles in being major figures in our family and in the world. Girl Power! My sister too.
- I am tired of all the tv channels we have and nothing worth watching on. Thank goodness lots of new shows are coming on this month.
- I hate it when my moms feelings get hurt. It hurts me just the same.
- 2 day hair just doesn't work for me. It never has and I tried it yesterday. Yea. no thanks.
- Romeo is seriously the king of cats. I know your kitty cats might be awesome, but Romeo wears the crown.
- I keep thinking about all the education I bought was pointless. Wish I could have had a crystal ball and knew that I would be a stay at home wife and mother and maybe I would have never racked up so many student loans.
- I watched No Good Deed last night. Idris Elba is just beautiful. However, I hate seeing him play such a mean part.
- I really can't stand it when I find a favorite blogger or youtuber then they stop updating. It happens more than you might expect.
- I was actually thinking about moving back up home maybe to the Highlands in Louisville. What am I thinking!? I'm tropical. I just miss our kids up there and family.
- Every time I see the outside cats shivering I just dislike my neighbors more and more. Those poor cats shouldn't have to suffer because their owners are idiots.
- We got discouraged about our son Zane last night. It seems hopeless right now. We just want him safe and happy.
- I wish we were back to longer days. Come on spring forward! I get so much more done when the sun isn't setting at 5pm.
- Cooper totally needs a workout on the treadmill. We have really been slacking.
- Is it too late for coffee? I think I need a pick me up to get me through the evening!
- I have been working super hard to not curse. I have failed a few times but I am starting to control what comes out of my mouth more.
- You guys have no idea how messy the garage is right now. I wish I could pull up a dump truck to the house and start cleaning it out.
- I am tired of just reading magazines. I want to read an actual book. It's just not the same.
- I need to change my voicemail message. Holding my phone up to my laptop to record this by Sting didn't work well. My sister hates it and says it sounds like the kids screaming in the background! Hahahaaha!
- I hate to admit it, but I really do save money when I shop at Walmart. Guess that's where I will be going to get groceries on Thursday even though I like Ingles better. Maybe I can just get meats at Ingles and the rest at Walmart.
- I wish the trees would fill back up with leaves. I miss the birds singing to me every morning. btw...this piece showing some of the worlds most oldest trees is amazingly beautiful.
- I want to make the boys eat left overs for dinner tonight. Not sure if they will go for it or not.
- I am working hard on being more organized, being a better wife and mom. I know I can do better at times. So why not try harder?
- I think I am getting myself a new year gift. After wearing my daughters Uggs. Yep, you read that right. she has bigger feet than me. Anyway, they really felt amazing and I think I would like the Uggs slippers. So I think I will just have to place a order.
- My family has totally put to use the Snuggies my mom got us a couple years ago. Who would have guessed a blanket with arm holes would be so popular.
- We still need to buy a expensive blind for the kitchen. We just keep putting it off.
- Sorry this post took me so long to get up. Scott is home today....so the schedule pretty much goes out the window. I hope you are having a great evening. I should later on tonight with a new Dollar Tree Haul. Stay tuned!