Hello friends! We just got home from dinner and I thought now would be a great time for me to share our latest food and household haul. I went to Walmart because I wanted to get a few extra things besides food and also to save money. I hate admitting it but I really can save money shopping at Walmart. So here is what I got to get us through the next couple of weeks. Hope you enjoy!
So as you could tell, I did get a lot but it should last us a while. I am doing my best now not to be so scheduled about when I go and go when we really need more food instead. I know it sounds kinda weird but if I schedule shopping for every Sunday regardless if we need it or not, we buy so much more. Now, I am concentrating on going more when its truly need and not so many scheduled trips. It's saving us money and last month we got by with less than $500 in food for the entire month. I was shocked and totally happy! I am going to see if I can do it again this month. :)
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