Hello friends! I hope you are having a wonderful Monday. As many of you know... I post a week in review recapping what happened over the week & weekend. Its something that I have been doing off and on for years. Its just a simple way to give you guys a glimpse into our weekend. I also vlogged a little each day which you can see below. I am changing this post up for the month of December. I will be sharing all my vlogs from that week along with a few pictures here and there. You can see everything in the vlogs so no need for a huge written out blog post! Hope you enjoy.
Monday: We started back up with Vlogidays! I vlogged everyday last year but it was under Vlogmas not Vlogidays. You can see all the videos here if you are interested. But we started back up! I was a little worried about not having that much to show to you guys, but I am just going with it.
Tuesday: I had to go get some shopping done for Thanksgiving. I was hosting dinner and had to get out and about to pick up the things we needed. Scott and I were just wore out by time night hit!
Wednesday: I stayed busy most of the day and evening baking and getting things ready for the big day! It was a day at home.. which I totally enjoyed!
Thursday: We celebrated Thanksgiving with my sister in law along with her husband. We had a lovely time and a lovely dinner. Everyone pitched in and helped me cook which was totally amazing and I was so thankful for their help.
Friday: Scott had to head back to work Friday so Trina and I decided to go do a little shopping. Neither of us wanted to hit the big stores but we had to run a few errands and do a little shopping. Thankfully we missed the crowds and had a nice time out and about.
Saturday: Trina and I were not about to sit in the house all day. She lives about 8 hours away so we had to make the most of our time together. We decided that we would go out for manicures and pedicures which felt amazing. We then grabbed a quick bite and was off to do a little more shopping. We ended the night with Yahtzee and me raiding the frig late at night.
Sunday: Trina and Trent headed out after brunch and Scott and I rested most of the day. We both were tired and didn't want to do much. I worked on the computer for hours on end while we watched tv and hung out. It was a easy day for us and we even opted for Arby's for dinner. Nothing to be proud about but I was not going any near the kitchen last night. So I was grateful the boys all enjoyed Beef and Cheddars! I ended my night getting things ready for the boys because life is back to normal for the moment. However, Christmas is going to be here before we know it!
- Get Christmas decorations put out.
- Get weekly cleaning done.
- Get giveaway emails out and head to the post office by Wednesday with giveaway gifts.
- Pre record videos when possible.
- Work on menu planning and grocery list.
- Send out Holiday Cards.
- Clean out my messy nightstand.
- Clean up DVRs. We need room for new shows!
- Paint nails until I get back to Jenny.
- Wait on updates from our oldest daughter who went into the hospital this morning in labor but they sent her home. But said she would probably be back within the night. Gosh.. I hate not being there and not knowing what is going on with her.
- Catch up on my emails and comments. Sorry guys, its been busy for us.
- Brush out the kitty cats.
- Clean up spare room again. I seriously don't get how messy that room can get when no one stays in there.
- Clean up the car on a warm day. We'll see if this job really gets done.
- Work on December Planning in both of my planners. BTW.. we have a planner giveaway going on... Click here to get entered!
- Bring in firewood for cold days.
- Write out our Christmas Gift list in detail.
- Start looking into hotels and different places to stay over Christmas.
Here's some inspiration to take a long with you through out the week: