Happy December to you all! I hope you are having a wonderful evening. I can't believe how fast we are moving through the year. Its going so fast now, there is no stopping it. Before we know it, we will be celebrating the new year.
Last December, we did the first ever Christmas card exchange through youtube. I had done previously here on my blog but I thought I would start including my youtube subscribers and I was shocked at the outcome. Seriously. You guys showed me so much love and happiness over the holiday season with your photo cards, hand made cards, little notes.. I was truly touched by everyone who participated. I think I got over 300 cards. So thank you so much from the bottom of my ♥.
Since it was such a wonderful experience I thought we could do it again! Everything you need to know is in the video and there is more info below!
I really look forward to seeing your cards this year! Everyone who sends in a card will receive one back from me! Last year we had a ton and it took me a while to get back to everyone because I like to include a little note in each card so it was still going strong in January! :) Thank you to everyone who participate and I am so excited to be kicking it off again! If you would like to send in a card, here's where to mail it!