I still need to finish Jacksons room today. I took an entire day re organizing and cleaning it but I still need to vacuum, dust, and wash the sheets. I am really happy that he is coming home tomorrow. I have missed him a lot...as well as Brittany and its time to come home and get serious in the new 2014-2015 school year.
I am so shocked and thankful for all the Erin Condren Giveaway. I couldn't believe how many people entered. I love my life planner and I guess you guys love them too. I wish each of you could have won more, but don't worry... there will be more EC Giveaways in the future!
I ate a bunch of beef jerky last night and now I have a tooth hurting in the back. GREAT. I flossed really well but I think I simply broke a little piece of my tooth off which is hurting like hell. Hopefully it goes away soon or I will have to head back to the Dentist....which is the last thing I want to do,
Scott and I haven't been getting along very well the last few days. Marriage is so hard. I know it would be easier for one or both of us to walk away but we keep fighting to have a better marriage. We have a lot of good times to remind us what we are fighting so hard for. I actually have a married life post coming up next week. Its been a while since I have written one and I have a few things to share. I think we all can learn for each other and maybe some of my life will help you.
I ordered this chalkboard wall decal. We have the chalkboard wall already and I love it but I wish it was so much bigger. Sooooo. I got the new one for either the kitchen or right by the front door.. It was only $9 and I think I will like it a lot! I have fallen in love with etsy. this year. So many great finds there. I love it.. and you might want to check out that wall decor too if you want one in your home. I will probably do a review when it comes in.

Both my mom and my husband think I dress like a old lady. Yea....actually mom has called me old lady, hobo, hippie, in terms of clothing. I bought a new dress not too long ago. I felt totally comfortable in it and Scott thinks it was a dress a 70 year old would wear. I couldn't believe it. I guess I am suppose to dress like a slut....I'm not sure. I'm 38 not 20.
I have a lot to do in the coming weeks. The schedule is going to be full of back to school activities including school supplies shopping, school clothes shopping, registration, meet the teacher, tour the new school, all that good stuff. Dr., Eye, and Dentist appointments too. I am already tired just thinking about it all! I really hope Jackson has a great year.
I got some amazing sunglasses from firmoo in the mail today. I can't wait to do the review and show you...and I have to be careful not to loose or break them! They are hosting a giveaway that 5 of you have the chance to win a $30 voucher from the classics page. You can use it for yourself.. prescription or non and they even have clearance glasses on that page for as low as $10.!! That giveaway will start up next week.. stay tuned!
My simple blogger tutorial was liked more than expected. 10k views so far and the questions keep pouring in. I'm sorry I haven't done another video and I am working it and it should be up soon. Again I was shocked and I would have cleaned up more if I knew so many people were going to be watching it.. note taken!
I totally need to run to the P.O. Box. They keep complaining that I should check it more or rent a bigger box. I doubt that will happen today and I doubt it will happen tomorrow so I guess they are just going to have to deal with our mail a couple more days. Hopefully I don't have " bad postal customer " letter waiting on me again. :|
I really need to get herbs trimmed. I keep putting it off and they are just getting out of control. Guess its time to make a bunch of pesto!
If you want to find me buzzing around online, here's where to go! :)