DITL: ★ Happy ★ 4th ★ of ★ July ★ 2014 ★ VLOG

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Hello friends! I hope you are having a wonderful Saturday. I have a ton I should be doing but I wore myself out yesterday so I'm moving kinda slow today. How was your 4th of July!? I hope each of you guys had a wonderful and safe holiday with your family and friends. Scott and I had a wonderful day and night together. If you want to check out more, enjoy the vlog and there are more pictures and such below! 

Scott decided that we should go tubing down Green River Cove Tubing in NC. It was just a few miles away...we live close to the border so we got in the car and headed off for a day of leisure and relaxation floating our way through the 4th of July! 

When we first got in, the water felt extremely cold. But thankfully after a few minutes I warmed up. The river was full of  kayaks and tubes just going their own way. It was so peaceful. I totally loved it and probably said amazing 50 times in the video above. I bought some waterproof gear that held our phones and camera. I also had a few other things and it all stayed dry thanks to my little waterproof items. I took my small vlogging camera that I don't use often and it came home undamaged! I'm glad I got them and they will forever go into the summer box! For our first time, we both got separate tubes but it was hard to keep up with each other. A lot of the time, Scott held on to my little tube and we floated together even in the choppy parts. But I think next time a double tube would work out better for us. And we are for sure going back. It didn't cost hardly anything and we totally enjoyed a day in the sun, fresh air and water. It was truly amazing. I think it was a perfect way to enjoy the 4th of July! We giggled and smiled more yesterday than we had all week. I don't even think my photographs show how amazing it actually felt. I don't think anything will be able to capture the moment or the mind blowing sensation of being there floating along through nature. It was beautiful. We were deep in the Blue Ridge Mountains and the view was amazing. I could seriously feel God all around me. While the water cooled us, the sun warmed us. I think we were right where we were suppose to be yesterday. Our day didn't end  at the Green River...

We came home, rested, cleaned up and cooked out. I don't know what could be more 4th of July that burgers and hot dogs. I didn't do a ton of cooking. There wasn't many of us and again it was more of a Adult 4th of July this year...which was totally fine. I miss all the kids but having a summer free has really been eye opening giving us a much needed break. And we still have our furry kids around. Cooper enjoyed a evening of eating good food and playing ball...total bliss for him. :) It was a wonderful evening with perfect weather. I know so many of you guys did not get the perfect weather day but I hope you were still able to celebrate in your own ways. I think some east coast towns are actually celebrating today. If that's the case for you...have a wonderful 5th of July! We were really tired but I had to go down to the lake and watch the fireworks. 

We are lucky to live on a lake because they do so much there. We changed cars, put the top down on the bug and found a pretty nice spot on the side of the road and was able to watch the show. It always makes me feel like a child again watching fireworks. The sky was lighting up last night with so many pretty colors. However, I knew the loud booms were probably scaring all the animals at home. We stayed for most of it but did leave a little early to miss most of the traffic. And I was right..all the cats were hiding and not happy with all the noise. It actually went on late late into the night I finally laid down about 2am and could still hear the party raging on! 

The kids spent the evening with their dad in Indiana setting off and watching fireworks. And they are going to a friends house tonight to set off even more! They are having 2 nights of fun which is nice because both kids have been acting like brats to each other and have been grounded. I am glad they had a night of smiles and laughter because they needed it. After I got my bath and got into bed, I had a loooong conversation with Brittany. Even though she is still grounded with no wifi for at least 2 more weeks, she seemed to be doing better. I think its always harder at first loosing something but then most of us adapt and learn to live without it whatever it might be. She is learning that lesson and I hope she learns a few others too! Jackson has been in trouble a lot also and I know my ex husband is wore out and tired of being the bad guy but he's only got a few weeks to go so I think they will all be ok! Now he knows how it feels around here summer after summer!

This afternoon our Oldest daughter and her family are coming to visit including this little one! → They were going to stay until Wednesday but I think work schedules have changed and now they have to leave Sunday night. I'm not for sure about that though. Its hard to believe we are actually grandparents. Its mind blowing actually! Scott was planning a big day out Sunday at the Waterpark but I am not sure they are going to do that now or what is going on but I am sure you will see more of them in our vlog on Sunday. I thought I would just have one video for the 4th and I am still recording today and tomorrow that will be up early Monday. We do have a busy weekend planned. I have a list of a few things I need to get done before the kids get here including a quick run to the Dollar Tree. It took everything for me to sleep until 10 this morning. I am still kinda tired but I am hoping my strong cup of coffee wakes me up so I can get everything checked off my to do list. Its fun getting to see the older kids and grand kids over this beautiful 4th of July holiday! I will be back Monday morning with the rest of my Weekend in Review Vlog! Happy Saturday....I have a late night food haul coming up in a while...stay tuned! If you have a blog post or video of your 4th of July, I would love see it if you care to share the link! 

If you want to find me buzzing around online, here's where to go! :)
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