Friday Letters

Friday, July 4, 2014
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Dear God, We did it. We made it through the week in a very peaceful way. I felt you all around me and I am grateful for each day. Dear Erin Condren, I spent almost all of yesterday working on putting my new life planner together. I filmed a video and then got busy. I didn't do any work on the computer or around the house. Instead, I worked and worked on setting up my new calendar. I love it! Dear US Friends, Happy Happy 4th of July! I hope its a fun and safe day for you all! Dear Scott, Thank you for researching my new puppy! I love you and I love that you are always trying to make me happy. I know we are going to have a great day together...can't wait to go tubing! Oh and stop bringing home the apple wine...hangovers SUCK! Dear Brittany, I am sorry your grounded and your phone is off. I had to do it otherwise you would have sent our bill sky high using the 4g. You need to start thinking about how you treat your dad. He does a lot for you and you need to remember it.  Neither of us want to hear that Jackson broke your phone either. You broke his ipad first. So now WE have to be the ones to pay to fix it. But you know better save your money because I am not one bit interested in replacing anything. I love you but there are limits.  Dear Justin Ross Harris, I think you killed your son on purpose. I also think your wife should be sitting right next to you. After everything came out yesterday, it makes me sick to think about you killing your son and what you were doing when he died. Dear Shanna, Sorry there are crazy people that surround you at times. Just know everything will be ok. I wish we were closer but you know I am only a phone call away. ,Dear Trina, You hosted such a sweet baby shower for Vicki....sorry we were not there. I can't wait for her to have him! Scott mailed the charger and such a day or so ago. I will get the tracking number and call you with it. Dear Jackson, Just like with your sister, I don't want to hear about the ipad. Both of you act like animals when together so I don't expect things to change until you two figure out how to get along. I love you and can't wait for you to come home. Dear Romeo, I don't know how God knew we were the perfect kitty/human match but he sure got it right. Your such a precious cat...its no wonder everyone who comes into our home loves you. Dear Mom, Glad you are doing good down in Texas. Loved catching up with you the other day.Dear Marjorie, I haven't talked to you in a while. Going to have to make time this next week to catch up!  Dear House, you are staying pretty clean with just being Scott and I. Before I know it, the school year is going to creep up and it won't be so easy taking care of you. But I have been trying hard to re organize to make things easier. I want to move but I don't want to go through all that work again. We'll see.  Dear Laura, We have been worried about you and the hurricane. We wish you would just leave the beach and head here. In the meantime, be safe...we love you! Dear Laci, we have go to catch up sometime very soon..hope your having a great 4th of July. Dear Dad, Happy 4th of July. I wish you were here to celebrate with us. I won't forget what you did in the Korean War. Please tell Jeremy how much I love and miss him. One day I know I will see you both on the other side. In the mean time, come see me in my dreams. Dear Shannon, I love that we have not heard from you all week long. Its like a wish of mine was answered. Life is so much better without you in it. Dear Coffee, you taste amazing this morning! Glad this time husby made you and I get to simply sit back and enjoy! Dear Walmart, Yesterday I was almost beat up with buggies getting through your store. Then I had to stand in line with someone who apparently don't know what a shower or deodorant is. It was just NOT a fun experience. I came home and got right into the shower. Dear Cooper, we are so getting you a new friend! I don't know when but another doggie is going to move in so you have a buddy! Dear Bloggy/Youtube friends, I hope you all have a wonderful 4th of the July weekend! I won't be putting up a video today but I will be back tomorrow with more videos and blog posts! Thank you so much for coming back and spending some time with us! I hope you have a wonderful Friday! Scott and I are heading out to go tubing down Green River and enjoy a ADULT 4th of July! Its strange with no kids here but we are still going to go have fun. :) I hope you all have a wonderful safe fun holiday!

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