Tuesday, I sprung up out of bed and went and checked all the jars. The lids were sealed and then I opened one to enjoy with some toast. OMG...its really sooooo good!! And it wasn't near as hard as I thought it was. So guess what!? I headed back out for more jars and fruit pectin. I didn't can all day but I got about 12 more jars done but that left plenty of time to replant a new herb and enjoy a beautiful day out with Super Cooper. Isn't he cute!?
Wednesday ,Scott was off work. He was tired and I understood his want to just stay home and relax. Its hard though because I am home all the time and he doesn't get to be here as much. So when he is off work, normally I am wanting to get out with him but sometimes its ok for him to have a lazy day too. He works a lot of hours and I am sure just lounging around the house is really nice for him. Actually he took calls from home and sold a car from our dining room table! But he was home...and it was nice non productive day!

Friday was another day at home for me. I decided that I would finally start a few household organization projects. I started with the frig which took a while. Everything came out and then I cleaned it super good and went through all our food to check expatriation dates and toss old items out that we were not eating. I filled 2 garbage bags full of items that I thought we could toss. Again it was a job I hated to do but I went ahead and just did it and felt so much better afterwards!
Saturday I got right back into the organizing mood. We have little spots around the house that clutter up fast so I took more time in the kitchen to straighten up the pantry and moved right into the cup cabinet. I swear if you were to open that cabinet before Saturday there was a good chance that a coffee cup would come flying out due to Jackson's great ability to put up the dishes correctly...NOT :) Scott worked at the dealership all day and I worked organizing a few spots the kitchen. I know....not too exciting but that was my Saturday. Once husby did get home, he decided that he would mow the grass. He wasn't too happy about it either but its so much better than waiting on a yard guy who didn't keep his appointments. It was also $60 a week for lawn care which was a little much if you ask me. We finally settled on putting the lawn mower on our credit card and do it ourselves. I figure it we can get it paid off fast and not get hit with too much interest. Its been worth it because now our yard isn't the worst looking one in the neighborhood any longer! I did run a few errands and check out that beautiful spiritual coffee mug... I love it! We spent the rest of our evening huddled up on the couch watching movies spending time together. Scott hasn't been feeling good so we just kinda hung out and relaxed the night away. I finally slipped into a late night bath and shortly after, I was in bed sleeping like a baby!
Sunday popped up too soon for us. I didn't feel like doing much yesterday. It took me until about 5pm to get any motivation. Scott was much the same. He stayed in his bed most of the day watching old movies and dozing in and out. Speaking of the movies, we were suppose to go out and see Think like a Man 2 but I understood his want to be home. So I pushed off the movie until this week sometime. I went ahead and did our Weekly Food Shopping and filmed the haul. Later in the evening we did finally get out and ran a couple of errands but it was just a pretty simple day. I wish Scott had been feeling better so we could have had a little more time together because he was in bed asleep before 930pm. I went ahead to do some computer work late into the evening. I decided I would clean up some files and then I went ahead and emptied the recycle bin. Somehow I got confused and thought I had deleted all my strawberry jam footage was gone forever. I launched into this serious internet search on what to do. I almost broke out the credit card again to buy some kind of recovery software only to realize HOURS LATER that I had the footage on my computer and it was safe. Gosh...I was so stressed out over it because I did a lot of filming and would have died if I had lost it all. I should have had my vlog up sooner but I couldn't really save it because I was afraid it would save over the jelly footage. So I was up till after 4am...really I think it was closer to 5am and when I finally realized I had my jelly makin' footage! I was so thankful I had it the entire time. I did feel like an idiot. Once that was all over I started to save my vlog. Do you guys know how long it takes to save a hour long movie on movie maker? It took about 2.5 hours and then I started the upload on youtube and finally closed my eyes and went to sleep.

If you want to hear even more about our week....here's our Week in Review Vlog!
- Work on the chalkboard..update
- Edit Jelly footage edited and uploaded....its soooo yummy, I hope you try the recipe!
- Groom Gabby...Persian Cats matte up so easily if not brushed out often.
- Work on 1st floor closets
- Record Many Vidoes.....trying to get back on schedule.
- Wait..wait.. on my Erin Condren Calendar. Today is the approx ship by date and it finally moved today from pending to invoice to print. So its not going in the mail today but hopefully very soon!
- Whiten teeth...which always hurts :(
- Work on Jacksons room. I need to clean it up and wash the bedding.
- Work on mailing packages out this week. I am so behind with it.
- Order GIVEAWAY prizes today! I love sharing a good book!
- Do a DVR cleanup...we have wayyyy to much saved on the living room one. Gotta make room for new shows! :)
- Make fruit salad for Scott and I to enjoy.
Here's some inspiration for your upcoming week!
I hope you guys all have a wonderful beautiful blessed week. I will be around often so come back when you can! I will have our weekly food haul along with any samples I can find up in a bit..stay tuned. :)