Sunday Inspiration:

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Happy Sunday Friends! I hope you are having a great afternoon! The sun is shinning and we are enjoying the beautiful day that God gave us. I wish we could find ourselves a church that we like and feel comfortable in around here but so far we are still searching. In the meantime, we are watching Joel Osteen. and still taking time to pray and even though we don't go sit in pew on Sundays, our hearts are so full with God's Love. I am so thankful for all the lessons that I have learned from simply turning on the tv and tuning into his message. This past week has been pretty good for us. We were able to tune out the crazies with Scott's exwife and just focus on ourselves and our relationship along with the rest of our family. Last week we had to deal with a lot of emotional drama so coming into Monday, we were already tired. We also did our best to not take out of frustrations on each other. Its not easy when you are upset to not direct that energy on the people around you. But we kept our heads straight and just got past the bumps in the road and actually had a pretty nice week. We are normally always surrounded with at least 1 child so this summer of it just being Scott and myself kinda makes me feel like we are teenagers again! I really think God knew we had wayyyyy too much happen to us last summer and knew that to renew our spirits and hearts it would take some alone time. Neither of us really wanted it either. We normally have little Jackson bouncing around the house and the idea of him not being here bothered us both. However, I think God knew what he was doing and set things in motion that would give us more peace and understanding of our lives. I am not sure my exhusband who has both kids this summer agrees with God's plan though! :) The kids are wearing him out! I do think we do get what we need at the right time, not always what we want...but what we need. Now, I have no idea why we needed so much trouble last summer but lets just say....I am happy that we are not there anymore. If you by any chance are going through a hard time, know that you will get through it just as we did...and you will be better for it once you are past it. I promise. And I get the emails telling me about your families and your lives with the ups and downs we all have. I am always so touched by you guys. 

Life is complicated...but I think as long as we try to do our best and learn from our mistakes, anything is possible. We all grow at different paces and for some, it takes longer to learn our life lessons and like in my case it could take decades! :) I am truly in a happy place right now. Not because the kids are not here...believe me they call hour by hour with their drama. But just inside I feel peaceful and I hope you do too! 

Happy Sunday! 

If you want to find me buzzing around online, here's where to go! :)

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