Weekly Food & Household Shopping Haul! - VIDEO -

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Hello everyone! I told you I would be back with our weekly food and household shopping haul. I am sorry its a little later this week but I am still trying to recover from the car wreck. Scott is off work today and was there to help lift all the heavy items and load and unload. I doubt I will be going back this Sunday. Instead, I will probably have another grocery haul up next Wednesday when he can go again. We didn't need a ton and we actually kept on budget! If you want to see what we will be eating this week, enjoy the video below! 

Thanks for watching! What is your grocery shopping schedule? I would love know if you shop during the weekends or if you go on a week night after work..or if you just go random.  Let me know! :)

Have a great night. 

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