He Spoils Me!! Glam Gossip Vlog April 2, 2014

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Hello friends! I hope you are having a great Thursday. I have been kinda trying to get a few things done around here but I am finally sitting down and having some computer time. You might see a few posts back to back but I am slowly trying to get back to my normal schedule. Yesterday, Scott was home from work and wanted to make the most of the day. He really wanted to go shopping and thought it would make me feel better. Honestly, it was pretty painful but it was fun. We went out to lunch, then went shopping at the mall, Khols, and even the grocery store. Scott is so generous. I h It was a looong day but we smiled a lot. I had to slow him down because he was ready to go get Pedicures but I didn't want to sit there that long. Instead, I sent him to the golf course!  I also got a book in from a friend that I am just starting to read. Anyway, if you want to check out our day.. enjoy the video below. 

Thanks for watching! Hope you have a great evening! 

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