Home Management: My Spring Cleaning Tips! - VIDEO -

Monday, March 10, 2014

Hello friends! I hope you are having a great evening. I am back sharing some of my spring cleaning tips with you all in hopes it answers some of the questions I have been getting. Last year I did the Spring Cleaning Challenge which was basically zone cleaning. If you want to check those blog posts out you can can click here... they are all labeled under Household Tips.

Today I am just sharing some of my own personal tips to take you right through spring cleaning. Its not like it use to be. Really spring cleaning came during a time when a lot of people were using wood stoves and such creating a lot of suet and dust so every spring season they would clean it up. If we just keep up with our daily routines and weekly cleaning, spring cleaning should not be a huge task. I still need to record my morning and afternoon routine but I have have already shared my night time routine where I show how I get the house together every night before we go to bed. I think routines are KEY to keeping your home clean and organized. I have also already shared my cleaning routine for Home Zone 1. I will have zone 2 - The Kitchen - up in the coming weeks but just taking time to reduce clutter and pick up everyday, it will keep the big cleaning days to a minimum. Also if you are interested in making your own cleaning products, check out my video where I show you how to make 6 cleaning products with items you probably already have in your house. I even included my homemade eye makeup remover!

There are a lot of tips in the video below.. I hope you find them helpful!

Be sure to let us know in the comments if you have any spring cleaning tips! : 

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