Happy Tuesday!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Happy Tuesday friends! I hope you all are having a great day so far. Around here, the sun is shining bright and I am enjoying a beautiful spring day. I know some of you guys are still dealing with colder weather but for us here in South Carolina, its finally warming up! Just the sun shining through not only makes me happy but makes all the kitty cats around here happy too! I feel so much better with sunshine. :) I don't know if it works the same way for hubby because on bright warm sunny days, he usually has to work much harder. Customers come out on sunny days! Anyway, its so pretty here. I have no idea what I am going to do today. I have a couple errands to run and a little shopping to do today but that's about it. I thought with such a pretty day, I would clean out the garage some but that might have to wait until another day. I want Scott to bring home a big ass truck that I can toss all the stuff in before heading to the dump. I just want to throw all that shit away. I should already be out the door today but I am moving a bit slow right now.
Anyway, I have some bloggy news for you....I have been working hard to update my sponsor page and come March you will be able to purchase ad space if you'd like again. I kinda took a break from doing ads for a good 4 months but its time to start sharing your wonderful blogs again! If you are interested, you can head here and see all the details. I am willing do to some ad swaps but paid spots won't be open until the first of March. However, you can go ahead and purchase the space if you want. I kept the prices very reasonable with $25 being the top off. I sponsor other blogs myself and love being able to help out a fellow blogger and get my name out there. I will have a post about sponsoring up in the near future with my tips on how to pick the right blog for you to sponsor!


I also put up a new Survey that I hope you take a minute and fill out. The answers are completely private.. I don't want your name or email just your honest answers! I am going to leave it up for a long time so I get an idea of what you guys think. It won't take but just a couple of minutes and I would totally appreciate it if you do it! You can also find the button in the side bar go to right to it and there is a link at the top of the blog!

Anyway, I hope you have a great day.. I'll be back soon!

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