Sunday Inspiration

Sunday, February 2, 2014
Happy Sunday friends! I hope you all are having a wonderful morning! Around here, its quiet and calm. Both boys..Scott & Jackson took off to go play golf today. I am shocked that Jackson really wanted to get up and go but he did. Its suppose to be 66 and then on Wednesday its suppose to be 67! Woooo-hoooo!!!! I am so excited for it to warm up. I am betting most of you who have been battling cold temps too, are wanting it to warm up too.

I have a bunch of things I want to try to get done while they are out but I am no where ready to start. I am still enjoying some hot coffee and CNN. It's Sunday....why not take it easy! I hope you all have a wonderful day.. I'll be back soon with yesterdays vlog and our weekly food shopping haul! Stay tuned.

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