Scott is working today on his day off which doesn't make me too happy but hopefully he will come home early so we can spend some time together. I hate all the hours he works. I honestly do but I am pretty good with dealing with it but I do miss him being here with us. I am sure a lot of wives feel the same as I do. It's just something you have to deal with when you have a husband who has a busy job that requires a lot of his time. But the weekend will be here before we know it. We are suppose to have Laura, Jerred and the grand kids here the weekend of the 15th and then my mother in law is probably coming over labor day weekend. I don't mind either of them coming but just so everyone knows.. The Jaggers Family Bed & Breakfast is now closed until next summer. If you want to come visit.. you'll have to find a hotel unless you are very close family members! I have had enough problems this summer to last a lifetime and I am wanting things to get quiet and calm. And I don't like a lot of visitors during the school year because it messes with Jackson's schedule.

Well, I am going to play around with this new camera and then do some work around the house. With Gabby being so close to having those kittens, I have pretty much been staying home most of the time. I want to run to the library and I also wanted to go to the YMCA but I just can't.. until I know the kittens have been born and Gabby is doing better.
I'll be back soon!
K Jaggers
Hey! Just thought I would say that I would be interested in seeing what you guys get or do at the library like books you're into it movies, things like that. I always like getting ideas! Just a thought though!
ReplyDeleteI do plan on doing a video and blog post about my picks.. plus a look at our library... but I have yet to go! Hopefully will get to it this time next week!