
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

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Good Morning Friends. I hope you are all staying warm on this very cold morning. Jackson had a 2 hr delay because of the cold weather and many of my friends kids are staying home today because of this huge winter storm hitting our country. Its crazy cold and I am so thankful that I got to sleep in until 9am. Jackson was hoping that I would let him play hookie today....NOT. He had missed enough and we have to save some of those days incase he gets sick or something. I don't plan on leaving again at all today. I am inside for the remainder of the day and night. I got all my errands ran yesterday just so I could stay in and warm on one of the coldest days of the winter season. Our electric has went on and off a few times already this morning because of the cold temperatures and high winds. Perfect huh? Lets just hope now that it is warming up a bit -9 degrees - it will stay on. I need more heat than just the fireplace...so fingers crossed!

I plan on cleaning the house up on the 2nd floor first and hopefully it won't take too long. I am hoping within the hour I can finish up and head to the second floor and then make some videos. I have a clothes haul coming up in a bit plus an amazing firestarter for any fireplace that I like to make each winter. So stay tuned for those videos.. plus a recipe popping up a bit later! I am going to get busy around here so it doesn't take me all day. I hope you are staying warm on this very very cold morning. I recommend staying home as much as possible!

Happy Tuesday!

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