Fall Days...

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Happy Tuesday friends! I hope you all are having a great day! I am taking it slow today. I got up super early yesterday and accomplished everything I wanted but today its about taking it a little easier. Jackson is home today for Presidents Day and is currently upstairs playing on his xbox. I was just outside where the trees are swaying back and forth and leaves are flying around in the wind. Its so pretty but so damn cold! I am so use to having the back sliding glass doors open but with this weather, everything is all closed up and the heat is going. Let me just say, I am not a fan of the cold weather in any way but I do really enjoy the colors, smells and taste of autumn. This time of year is always like the kick off of autumn season for me. As you can imagine, my days are packed full of activities that will carry on till after the first of the year. Most of the time, I love being busy..getting all the items checked off my to-do list always makes me feel good. Between juggling my YouTube channels,  websites, and all of my social media outlets as well as holiday planning, cooking and baking, gatherings, and travel, my days are indeed filled to the fullest!  I have so many things lined up over the next 8 weeks that I would never get done without a detailed game plan. I am already doing daily vlogs of my housewife life but I am also filming other videos almost daily too that take up most of my spare time. Not to mention editing and uploading.

Our Thanksgiving always changes year to year. Normally, if we are traveling over Christmas, we host a nice Thanksgiving to see the family and friends who we are not going to be with in December. But if we are hosting Christmas, we either stay home and have a small Thanksgiving or travel to our families homes. This year we are hosting Thanksgiving and then we are heading to Florida to spend Christmas there with more family and friends. So staying organized is going to be super important so we can easily navigate through Thanksgiving and Christmas. I have a entire youtube series on Holiday Planning and Organization to show you how I keep it all straight. Stay tuned for the first video in the series popping up this week! I hope it gives you some inspiration to get more organized so you can worry less and spend more time celebrating. Stay tuned!

Its so hard for me to get motivated in cool weather. Its a problem I have had for years. So I need to warm up this house a little bit so I can get up and start working on the dreaded Tuesday to-do list. One of the things I needed to do and have already accomplished is - creating a new signature for blog post - and look below.. I got it done last night! This is one of those little jobs that was waiting on me for a while. But its done! Hope you like it! Oh and another one of those items on my to do list is fixing my sponsor page. Being I left passion fruit a month or so ago, I decided I would take the remainder of the year to switch over to another Ad Company and get my page redone. I guess I should put a quick note on that page but don't worry...in January we will get back to sponsors and button swaps!

I hope you have a wonderful day. I also hope each and everyone of you guys find ways to enjoy this beautiful time of year.  Stay tuned for last nights glam gossip vlog that should be up soon!

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