Late Start! { Vlogust Glam Gossip Vlog August 27, 2013 }

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Just in case you were wondering.. I am vloging everyday until the end of August for " vlogust".  I started a little late but that's ok. My life really isn't that exciting anyway! But.. I will continue vloging and putting up lots of videos on my new Vlog Channel as well as my normal Glamorous Housewife Life Channel! :) Stay tuned for a another video later today!  Yesterday sure started off with a bang! Thankfully as the evening turned into night, things got easier. And I ended the night with a movie I had been wanting to see for a while...check out the video to see what it was!

Have a great day! 


K Jaggers

Take some time to explore My housewife Life Youtube Channel. Check out all my recent videos in the first row and browse through all the different categories of videos (like Beauty, Cooking, Pets, Trips and much more!) located in the bottom rows. You can also subscribe to my Youtube Vlog Channel  where I post daily vlogs of all sorts! Be sure to subscribe to both and be the first one to learn about newly released videos! 

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