Homework Center Organization { Video & Photos }

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

We have officially made it to our 2nd week of school. I can't say it has been easy but things we are adjusting to our new schedule. Homework time is normally a busy time for us and at first, we were looking for extra pencils, glue, scrap paper and I just tired of it. I do have a office in a basket that moves floor to floor with me but Jackson could never find his own stuff. So this simple homework center has worked out really nice! 

Here is the video.. there are more pictures and info below! 

Easy Homework Station

You could use anything to make a little area like this. A basket, drawer in the kitchen, a desk, anything. Jackson doesn't do well with organization so I helped him out a little bit! 

1. In the first cup I just keep pencils. Nothing else. So there should be no excuse for not being able to find one! 

2. In this cup I keep paper clips, batteries, binder clips and a mini stapler, a staple remover and a cute book mark.

3. This cup contains 2 different kinds of glue. Hes already used both.

4. In the last cup, I keep pens, sharpies, highlighters, tape, and some post it notes. 

5. In the tea pot, I keep candy as an incentive to get the work done and under the teapot, I keep extra paper.

This has made a world of difference on our busy weeknights. There is no more looking around for supplies. He can just sit down and get busy. Husby even uses the little homework center at times too.. we all do! I would love to hear from you if you have a homework center in your home .. or need one! Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday! 

K Jaggers

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4 comments on "Homework Center Organization { Video & Photos }"
  1. Good idea! Thanks for sharing it.

  2. cute idea. i like the way everything matches!
    Xo Marie

  3. Great idea!

  4. Awesome idea! This would be especially good for school aged children though as you mentioned something the whole family can use. My little guy is not in school yet and I can see myself making one for him.
    Stopping by from the "Mom Diaries Link Up". Following you via G+, Twitter, and Facebook.
    Have a great week :)
    Bismah @


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