Friday, August 23, 2013

I couldn't let this weeks Thankful Thursday pass without doing a post. Yesterday was a WONDERFUL DAY for us in the Jaggers family! 

Gabby went into labor around lunch time and gave us 3 beautiful new healthy babies!!

This pregnancy has been a scary one. It was advised that we not breed her again but the kids let the cats together and here we are. Thankfully her pregnancy was easy and problem free and her labor processed yesterday with no problems at all. I am so thankful for that alone. The last 2 pregnancies landed us in the VETS office with very high bills.. not to mention it was pretty scary. So when yesterday came and it all went well, I was beyond elated! I prayed and prayed that everything would be ok ..most of all, that Gabby would be ok. We had a call into our old VET so he would be on standby if something went bad. I was overwhelmed and exhausted but forgot to call him to let him know how she was. He called first thing today to check on mommy and the kittens! We have been waiting on this moment for a while now...and I am so very thankful for a healthy mom and healthy kittens! Many more pictures to come! :)


K Jaggers

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