Happy @ Home { Glam Gossip Vlog August 23, 2013 }

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Happy Saturday Friends!  I hope you are having a wonderful weekend. I am just waking up trying to figure out what the day holds. So far, I don't have too many plans. I am going to pick up around the house, maybe run some some quick errands later and probably work on some videos. I have a bunch of questions for my Ask the Housewife series so I am going to work on getting as many of the questions answered as I can! Plus I need to record Monday Makeup too! Yesterday was pretty uneventful but it was a great day because Gabby and the kittens are all doing great! Stay tuned for another kitty series video coming up soon too! 

Here was my day ....yesterday! :) Hope you enjoy! 

Happy Weekend! 


K Jaggers
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