Weekend in Review!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Hi friends! I hope you are having a great start to the week. I know Monday's suck for most people but around here.. its summer! That means staying up late.. sleeping in without alarm clocks.. and having fun! Right now the kids are all still asleep and the house is quiet. I hate to admit it, but I am actually enjoying every minute! We didn't have a ton of plans this past weekend. We have been moving so we just wanted to take it as easy. Scott and I are both exhausted but the kids has energy that goes on and on and on and on! 

They had a water-balloon fight ( which I did video but haven't got up yet ) and then it was playtime with the hose. 

They were all playing hard and rough housing.. Scott and I knew something was going to happen but we let the kids go. Zane ended up getting kicked...and the fighting over the hose ended. 

I had a little shopping to do. I didn't have time to make a shopping vlog but here are some of the things I got. 

I think its crazy because the few items you see on the table were over a $100. Have you noticed how little you get now compared to how you spend. I think its insane! 
I didn't really feel like shopping and guess what? 2 times in a row now, I have got soaked when I went to the grocery store. Thinking I should maybe watch the weather better before going shopping. 

Sometime Saturday night the toilet paper bandit hit again! We have so many cats that its hard to figure out which one is doing it but 

I am thinking it was this little guy..

But he got 2 bathrooms this time! 

I can never catch him. NEVER! I guess I am going to have to set cameras up in all the bathrooms at night to catch him in the act! 

Sunday morning was pretty easy. The kids woke up in great moods.

I did do some more unpacking which totally sucked. 

But thankfully we are getting to the end of the boxes! 

In the afternoon we took a look around the lake. Check out this cool house! 

Its empty and I kinda wish we would have found this one first! 

Then we stopped by the park.. once we got there, the rain started.....again! So husby and I sat under the umbrella and the let the kids play. They love playing in the rain [ It wasn't lightening mom! ]

They had a great time playing and we loved that they were getting some of that energy out! 
We came back and I made a fast and easy dinner...

Sliders and waffle fries! 

The kids loved it and I loved that I didn't have to be in the kitchen for hours cooking. I was too damn tired to do that. It wasn't long after that I was slipping into a hot bath and taking a few minutes for myself. I told the kids that when was over.. I was off duty. I meant it too.

I think I stayed in that bath for over an hour. I was all wrinkly when I got out!!! But it felt amazing and was a perfect way to end the night. I crawled right in bed afterwards and started dreaming! 

I also got busy over the weekend getting a couple videos done! 

Check them out when you have time! 

I hope you have a great week! Today I am going to have lunch with husby and running some errands! 

I am ready for the next weekend to start! :)


K Jaggers

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2 comments on "Weekend in Review! "
  1. I didn't know that Target had a beauty box, and $5 is a great price!

  2. When the kids are old enough to buy their own products, then they can! I don't blame you for not wanting to share expensive products with them when they aren't old enough to appreciate it.
    And, I didn't think you looked pale! :D
    I've been by Lake Lure a couple of times, but never stopped. It looked really pretty.


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