Weekend in Review

Monday, May 13, 2013

It was so hard getting up this morning! To top it off, Jackson was super grumpy this morning too. Sigh....I  am surprised that I am still up but its never that easy to go back to sleep even in the mornings. So I thought I would work on my weekend in review! (:

                        Friday I was pretty tired and didn't really want to do anything. Once Scott got home from work, we all just cuddled up around the house and watched tv. I didn't even cook. Actually about midnight I got up and make some eggs about midnight but it wasn't anything that special! We all got full and ended up in bed. 

Saturday came and I got up super fast and ran some errands. Scott got home kinda early and I decided it was time to head out to get some groceries. For days on end I have been hearing moans and groans about them not being able find
something they want to eat. So out I went.. As I was pulling out of the neighborhood,its started pouring down. Perfect for grocery shopping...NOT. I not only got some food, I got soaked.

Here's the haul


 I didn't feel like cooking after we got home so I made some smoothies which held us all over for a couple of hours. I again made eggs because that's what Jackson wanted. Scott had leftovers so it was another easy night in the kitchen. I wanted pancakes but I went along with what Jackson wanted. Thank goodness for eggs and bacon! 


I was pretty tired.. I enjoyed a hot bath and climbed in bed. Look who joined me. They are doing a little better at night but they still wake me up a lot. I normally lock them in the bathroom just so I can get a few hours of sleep. They are so damn cute that its hard to get mad at them for anything but waking up to cats jumping all over me is not my idea of a good nights sleep!


Scott  and Jackson took off Sunday Morning to play golf. I know it was Mothers Day but I didn't want breakfast in bed or anything. Instead, I wanted to be able to sleep in as long as I wanted. I didn't mind one bit that they went out in the morning. I slept really good and didn't wake up until early afternoon. They finally came home and both of them were really tired. Scott came home and crawled in bed with me and started to doze off. I got up and he dozed off! Jackson was tired too but xbox took over and he stayed busy for a while. 



Check out this adorable message from Scott. 

The boys are the sweetest ever. They both let me wake up easy and have such a nice day. I didn't do much either. I did wash the bedding like I wanted  and cleaned up a little around here but I mainly spent my time on the couch relaxing! It was pretty cool here today so staying in a warm house was the thing to do. I cracked the windows for a while but we ended up using the fireplace for a couple of hours because it was so chilly. 


I even enjoyed some wine in the late afternoon! I just hung out and watched tv while the boys slept! 


Our breakfast for dinner streak ended tonight. I did get in the kitchen and make a quick late dinner. Chili Mac. It was super easy and really good. It was perfect. Scott and Jackson wanted to take me out but I didn't feel like cleaning up or going out on a cold evening. Staying home sounded so much better to me! I actually ate 2 bowls and so did Scott!

After dinner I got busy  getting the beds made. It took me forever to make my bed. It took forever to get clean
pillowcases on so many pillows. My arms got tired! But the bed looked super nice until my little boy got in it. Everyone in the house flops to my room and my bed. I guess its because its like a big fluffy cloud to sleep on! 


The rest of the evening I spent at my desk going through kitten applications and I even got their ads ready for the papers. I sorted bills and went through email after email. Not too much fun but it had to be done. Jackson kept asking if we could keep just one kitten from this litter. I might but we have more coming very soon so it might be best to go on and find good homes for all of them. Idk.

So that was pretty much my Mothers Day weekend. Not too eventful huh!? I was happy being home, relaxing so I can get through this new week ahead of us!

Happy Monday!

K Jaggers

2 comments on "Weekend in Review"
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  2. well that post made me hungry tired and want to go home and squish my kitty :) You are so cute. Love your blog found it through the blog hop! Following you!

    Follow me back @ www.nightchayde.blogspot.com


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