I'll Do it Later

Monday, May 13, 2013

My day is not going as planned in anyway. Even though we are in the evening hours now, I don't think I have ever fully woke up yet.    I am drinking some strong coffee hoping it will kick in so I can get busy around here before Scott gets home. I will probably race around in the last hour trying to make it look like I actually did something!  I have been working online though. I got a lot of emails read and replied to. I got a lot of the stuff ordered for the kittens. I had to call the CFA a couple of times to register the litter. I should have done it a little sooner but they are great about helping. However, I will say.. I think their new website is nice but none of us breeders can access any of our personal information. They don't even have it on there which is crazy. I sent an email about it but who knows when they will get around to adding it. But a lot of that stuff is done now so I don't have to think about it anymore. Next up... shots and baths. Time to get them ready to go into their new homes!

Here's what I have been putting off..

I need to get the laundry put up tonight. Its been living on the loveseat for days because of the " I'll do it later attitude".

I have some items that need to be taken to the post office for weeks, but they just keep sitting around...that's what doing it later gets me! 

My big ass bathtub needs a good scrub because for days now I have decided I would do it later. 

Jackson's bedroom could use some love. He just doesn't clean it up like I want. 

I have to run to the atm sometime tonight.. which I have been putting off for days. I can't put it off any longer. 

I have a giveaway planned, but I haven't got any of it together yet. And BTW.. I still don't have all the addresses to the Laundry System Giveaway. I have sent out what I could but if you entered you should check it to see if you are on it. That giveaway was way too big so there will be no more of that size! Maybe 1 or 2 winners period! 

I am still figuring out what blogs to sponsor this month.  Out of the 3 blogs I sponsored last month I had more visitors from Never the Same Spice Twice!! Thank you for stopping by and I hope to get to know more of you. I actually extended that ad this month too! (:
I didn't get the windows washed.. yea, I do it later. 

I don't know what is going on with the house hunting but both Scott and I have been sucking at it. We have to  find a house soon.  I hate it here now...so we have got to stop putting this task off. 

We would normally be buying plants and seeds  right now but we have been putting it off because we don't plan on staying here that long. But its hard to watch the neighbors get their yards together and not do anything here. Another reason we need to get moved. 

I keep putting off printing a letter and mailing it. Actually I have one letter to write..print and mail. Another to print and mail and I have said " I will do it later " for days. 

I was suppose to run by the Dr. Office to get prescriptions and decided that I will do it later tomorrow. Do you know that here in NC most prescriptions have to be picked up monthly from the Dr and then taken to the pharmacy to be filled. What happened to the days when you could just go to the pharmacy for your refills? I swear.. its so frustrating. You know it would be nice if they could just fax them in for you....but nope. I guess dope heads are screwing the system somehow. 

I haven't made my bed today and I don't plan to. When I am ready for bed, I will straighten it up a little but that's not in the cards for today either. 

I haven't got any of the plans done for getting the kids here. I can't put it off much longer. I need to figure it out and have a talk with my ex husband. Fun. 

I need to run to the grocery store for tomatoes.. since I am doing that later....we are having leftovers tonight. 

For Makeup Monday, I decided ... I will do it later. Sorry.. I just want to do it today. I will try to make it up during this week sometime. 


I haven't really been just choosing to be lazy. I have been so messed up no my sleep that its hard to get feeling good enough to do anything. I am hoping the caffeine kicks in soon so I can get a few things done!  The house isn't too bad but there is a long to do list awaiting me for this week. Time to stop putting things off.

What have you been putting off lately???


K Jaggers

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