So here's the tip...
That's right a little bit of Vinegar goes a long way with berries!
When you get home from the store get the berries cleaned right away. The longer you wait, the more chance you take with them rotting.
Combine 4 Cups Water with 1/2 Cup Vinegar in a Bowl
Place berries in the vinegar and water mixture to kill the bacteria..... then remove and lay on a towel to dry. Make sure the berries dry completely because the vinegar evaporates into the air and leaves no smell or taste. You can rinse them too however its such a diluted solution you can't taste it anyway.
Raspberries will last a week or more, and I've had strawberries go almost two weeks without getting moldy and soft!
I hope this inspires you to buy more healthy berries and make this tip will help make them last! It really works well!
K Jaggers
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