Oh, How Pinteresting

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Today I am linking up with The Vintage Apple for Oh, how Pintresting Wednesday! If you don't know anything about Pinterest its an amazing site where you can find so much inspiration. If you don't already....
Feel free to.. 

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Cucumber-Watermelon Salad

Blueberry Crumble Coffee Cake


Sidewalk paint: 1 part cornstarch (1 c.), 1 part water (1 c.), food coloring, sponge brushes, mix cornstarch and water, add food coloring and mix

DIY Shellac for your nails! Going to have to try this!

Homemade Smores Brownie Pie

Recycling Tin Cans into Organizers

How to Perfectly Frost Cupcakes 101

Butterfly feeder....never knew they existed, but now I want one!!

Chocolate Dipped Peanut Butter Stuffed Banana Bites

Smart tricks that can help keep your food bills low

grown-up printable coloring pages, sounds like good therapy.

Freeze avocados once they're ripe! Great for when they go on sale, or when you need an avocado and they're all too firm at the store. They keep for MONTHS this way!

Got to try some of these!

wine tiki torches

You can find all the details for these on my pinterest page! I even created a new board for Oh How Pinteresting! Check it out! (:

7 Salad Recipes that will have your waistline shrinking and your taste buds singing!!

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Ohhh.. if you need an invite.. just leave a me a comment with your email address and I will be happy to send you one! =)

Happy Wednesday! 

K Jaggers
2 comments on "Oh, How Pinteresting "
  1. I'll take some blueberry crumble...coffee on the side please :)

  2. Great pins! Love the draping of that black dress.


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