Weekend in Review...

Monday, April 22, 2013

This weekend was pretty uneventful.. not much went on around here. Saturday the weather was pretty cool until late afternoon. So I stayed inside all most of the day and 


did desk work.. and blog work!  As you can see.. I think I finally got it right. I also had a ton of tracking websites.. you know that tells you who, when , and where.. when it comes to your blog stats.. well I got them down too and now just using one. I don't need all those trackers on here anymore.. I didn't need a lot of the crap that I use to have on this blog.. so I got rid of it all! Think of it as blog housekeeping! 

Once husby finally came home, it had warmed up enough where we could go out for a while and enjoy some fresh air! 

And btw.. the yard guys were just here 4 days before this picture was taken.. so the grass is growing quick! 

Cooper was enjoying his day out too! 

Jackson loves throwing the football with Scott!

And he's getting better by the day! 

Gabby sure looks grumpy huh!?

For dinner I really didn't want to cook anything big so I just made a grilled chicken salad.. and it so yummy! We ate outside and it was the perfect dinner.. I will show you more on a food diary soon! 

I ended up in bed pretty early on Saturday. I don't know but I just feel so tired lately. And lets face it.. 

the new bedding my mom got me, makes it next to impossible not to want to cuddle up in it! 

Sunday morning went pretty easy..

Husby got up and hung out with Jackson and all the cats  

while I got busy making...

And NO.. they were not homemade! I don't make anything homemade in the mornings unless I really prepare things the night before. But the boys didn't mind! 

I worked around the house most of the day.. Scott took off in the afternoon to play a little golf. Maybe it was a good idea because I was pretty grumpy today..and I am not even sure why. 

Once he did get home.. I stepped out to have some time to myself.. while the boys played xbox for a while.. 

I then came in and made some Elvis Cookies! 

If you didn't see the recipe/video you can find it right here! 

Then the boys went for another game..

 I can't handle playing Monopoly with them very much because their games go on for hours!! 

So back in the kitchen I went.. this time to make dinner! 

I put together my brown sugar meatloaf.. 

and just a little while later we were enjoying a very simple dinner..

that everyone loved! 

After dinner husby and I watched..
Photo: Here we go! The hunt starts NOW (8/7c) on CMT! First stop: Denver.

Unlock your series premiere sticker - http://at.cmt.com/kgSx9 - and chat with us right here during the show!

I know its a little weird that I like the show, but I have watched it with my husband for years and it grew on me! I am happy a new season is on finally!

I was sooooooo ready for a hot bath when the show went off.. and that's exactly where I went. I filled my big tub with lots of water and bubbles! 


I don't know how my mom knows but she must have great radar because as soon as I get in the bath.. she always calls!! 

So now I am in bed.. with a bunch of kitty cats..Husby said he needs to be able to sleep so he is in the spare room!! 

and now a couple are on the floor between my shoes.. I wonder if they got my shoes int that position on their own because I don't think I left them like that! 

But as you can see, one of them is right here.. 

watching me blog! Ha! 

Well as you can see, this weekend didn't really amount to much! I can't wait until all the kids are here this summer.. where we can go swimming.. biking..and hiking.. I'm ready! 

Hope you have a wonderful Monday! 


K Jaggers
7 comments on "Weekend in Review..."
  1. Thank you for linking your blog to our Let's Get Social Sunday party ! {love your site :-) }

    With A Blast

    1. Thanks for hosting it! Hope you have a great week!

  2. Your weekend sounded nice and relaxing. I'm going to have to try out one of your recipes soon--everything always looks so good.

    1. Awww. thanks! Just scroll through the recipes and I bet you find something! I will be emailing you in just a bit.. I have been without house internet all day.. thankfully its back now!! I could have answered you via my phone but it sucks trying to write longer emails that way! But you will hear from me tonight! (:

  3. Stopping by from the blog hop at:

    yes! sounds like you had a nice and relaxing weekend!
    Mine was WAY too busy! it went by so fast :-(


    1. Nice to meet you! Sorry your weekend went by fast.. that always sucks! Now hopefully the week will go by faster so you can get to another weekend! I am following you back now!! (:

  4. Hi! Thanks for following.. I am following you back now! I loooove the angle picture on your google + page of your little girl.. PRECIOUS! Can't wait to get to know you better! Have a great week!


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