Happy Earth Day!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Hello! I hope you are having a wonderful day! I have been dealing with internet and tv problems today but everything is back to working! So I am here busy trying to get some posts done...and a video that should be up soon too. So how is your Earth Day going!? I guess my no internet and no tv just made it perfect for me to take a break and enjoy the weather today. Its not incredibly warm but its still sunny! I took Cooper for a walk and hung out with the neighbors some waiting on Time Warner to fix their issues. Otherwise I might have stayed inside all day long! 

So I am going to sit around work on emails, blog post and youtube videos! I hope your having a great day.. if you are doing something special for Earth day.. leave me a comment and let me know what you are up to! 

I'll be back soon! 

K Jaggers
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