Wednesday Inspiration..

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Good Morning. I hope you guys are getting a good start to your day. I woke up feeling pretty good so I think I am going to go do my shopping about lunch time so I am back home before Jackson gets out of school. Its a beautiful day here already. Something about the sunshine does make it a little harder to just lay in bed. When I get up, I like to open the windows..get the sun pouring in.. and days when I can enjoy coffee 
on the back deck first thing in the morning is away's a good thing! 

So today is a day of shopping.. I will probably make a video..and then work around the house some. Since its going to be such a nice day I want to take a walk with Cooper and Jackson in the afternoon. I also have some laundry that I want to get hung out before I leave. Its nice letting the sun and fresh air dry the towels and sheets. I have a couple tips coming up next Tuesday line drying.. so stay tuned. Its nice to not have to run the big dryer in the spring and summer. I don't mind hanging things out.. it saves on energy and bills.. and its natural..I have a line down in the yard and I also use the railings of the deck to hang clothes on too. And it works just fine!

I know today isn't going to be that easy for me. I stayed up too late last night.. but I am just going to start and see where I end up!

Have a great day!

K Jaggers
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