Spring has Sprung!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Its such a pretty day here! I feel so lucky to have woke up every single day this week to beautiful sunny weather! Yea!! I am so tired of the cold! Right now I have all the windows open and it really feels nice out. I am thinking about cleaning out the garage today but I have so much damn laundry to do that I doubt I will get to it. Speaking of laundry, I have a TON of it to do today and tomorrow. Since its super nice out, I am thinking I will hang as much as I can outside to dry. Maybe that will help speed things up!

I was suppose to be able to sleep in today but little Jackson woke me up a little earlier than I had hoped. The xbox was in my room and Jackson couldn't wait to get me out of bed so he could play his games. Perfect huh? I can promise you that tonight I plan on moving that out of my bedroom so tomorrow.. I can really sleep in! 

Husby is working today. ): But he should be home at a reasonable hour tonight! I loved having him home yesterday. He works wayyyyy too many hours and I miss him. Actually I plan on sending him on a couple errands before he gets home so he might just be a little later. But at least he is home tomorrow too!

I have a guest post to get done by tomorrow.. Its being featured on another blog... which is super exciting! I will tell you more about it later! I also have to catch up with the A-Z Challenge too. I got K & L to catch up by Monday. I was just so tired yesterday that I didn't have the chance to do it. So stay tuned!

Have a great weekend!


K Jaggers
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