I HATE Mornings!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

This week has really kicked my ass. I hate the alarm clock so much.. I can't wait till its summer break for the kids and we don't have to get up at the crack of dawn. I barely got out of the bed this morning.. thankfully Jackson gets up with Scott most mornings and all I have to do is drive him to school. He does good with getting himself ready.. He use to eat breakfast but recently stopped so mornings are not too tough besides the waking up part! Its suppose to be a beautiful day here.. topping off at 84 degrees! How nice is that? Last night we had to sleep with the air on because the house was so warm. Can't say I don't love it! Actually last night Scott slept like a baby. He hadn't been sleeping that well.. the meds they have him on for his neck and back make it hard for him to sleep. The last few nights he got maybe 4 hours each night of sleep and last night.. he came home exhausted. He took a shower... quickly ate dinner and spent about 30 minutes with me before he went to bed. I wish we would have had more time but all day he told me how tired he was.. so I didn't complain when he went to bed. If I was smart, I would have went to bed with him and I wouldn't be so tired this morning. I am seriously thinking about dozing back off for a little while. But my friend Courtney is suppose to come over later so I can't sleep in too late! We really are not doing much.. just hanging out. Its been a while since we have seen each other so it should be nice!

Besides that I just plan on working around the house and enjoying the beautiful day! 

I hope you have a great day.. I will be back soon!! 


K Jaggers
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