Sleepy Hello

Friday, March 15, 2013

Hi everyone.. I have sure missed talking to you the last couple of days. ): Its been really busy and really emotional being here in Florida to say good bye to my father in law. I won't lie.. I love it here.. and I am very happy to be back where I consider home but I really wish it was under better conditions. 

The drive here was exhausting.. We dropped Jackson off with my mom ( it was kinda sad I didn't get to hang out more with her ) and then we faced the challenge of finding a hotel. I didn't get a room reserved because Scott came home early and I had forgot. Well its spring break here.. all the hotel rooms are close to $200 a night. Thankfully the Hampton was reasonable and pet friendly.. so that is where we have been calling home for the past couple of days. We are here until Sunday. The room is nice and the bed is comfy.. and Gabby and the kittens are welcome. 

Marjorie has been doing ok at times and other times its been really hard. We had an experience at the funeral home today that was insane. It was just her and I too.. yea, it was really hard. I don't want to get into the details out of respect but it was very emotional. 

Tomorrow Scott's brother flys in. I think he is sharing a room with us to help save $ being the rooms are so expensive. I don't really mind because I think it will be good for Scott.. but sharing rooms are never easy. I am going to be really busy the next couple of days. I just won't be able to blog but I do have a video/post coming up tomorrow and another on Saturday. Sunday is another travel day... and Monday I will be unpacking and resting.. but I will get back to normal around here as soon as I can. I have been taking some pictures and I will share them with you when we get back home. Frankly.. I am just too busy during the day and the last few nights I have collapsed in the bed. I haven't been feeling that good either which doesn't make things any easier. 

However its beautiful here.. I love it and I totally feel at home. I want to move. 

I hope you have had a great week... talk to you soon. 


K Jaggers

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