Resting [ Orangeburgh South Carolina ]

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Well we arrived at the hotel.. I am exhausted.. my body is aching and I just got out of the hot shower. We are at a new Holiday Inn Express and the shower is kick ass. It has this really nice massage feature.. I turned it on and just sat down on the bottom of the bathtub and let the shower pound on my back and shoulders. It felt ammmmmazing! I am still sore as hell but I think a good nights sleep will help fix it. Scott and Jackson are in one bed and I am in bed with the kitty cats. Actually before I fall asleep I am going to put them in their case so I don't knock them around. I am happy that the 2 boys are sound asleep. Scott was exhausted but drove us all the way. I think we drove over 4 hours. Only 6 hours left. We will get to moms and drop off Jackson first then go further south and get checked into another hotel.. get cleaned up and head over see Scotts Step Mom. She wants us there in the evening to meet and greet. 

Well my sleep meds are kicking in .. and God knows he will have us up early!! 


Sweet Dreams
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