March Starting off with a BANG..

Saturday, March 2, 2013

What a day. I am going to take you through the chain of events that I went through since I first open my eyes.

Last night at 3am the nursing home where Scotts dad is calls the family in because he is not doing well at all. Scott wakes up to a text message about it.. and that's how the day starts. My husband woke me upset.. and worried about his dad. Also thinking we are going to have to leave any minute. So far he is still here with us. ( 201am Saturday )

Scott wanted me to talk to my mom about flying in to take care of Jackson if we have to go to Florida. Well she is already scheduled to babysit for a friend in Florida who is leaving the country. I didn't want her to change those plans and she told me to call the school. So I called and got the principle. I explained that Jackson had missed 5 days of the school year and I got a hate letter saying if he misses 10 then I could get into trouble. I explained about Mr. Jaggers and about us having to leave. She told me that if I had a obituary then he could miss up to 5 days and not have any trouble.. Thank God for that.

So now I am thinking about Gabby. She is about to have kittens any minute and I don't want to leave her in a vets office. I want to take her. Scott doesn't.. so that's was weighing on my mind.

But even with those chain of activities . I was still pretty sleepy. At this time Jackson is at school and I was hoping to lay back down for a while. I just start to doze off when I get a frantic call from my ex husband about Brittany.

She got in serious trouble today at school and it had a lot to do with facebook and social media. He was screaming in the phone that I need to delete the accounts otherwise he will take a hammer to her laptop in the front yard. He also wanted me to take back the smart phone and give her a talk phone only with no text. Does that even exsist?

Well I will go into full detail about this in a " mommy " post because there are some serious lessons in this situation.

I didn't delete her facebook instead I put up a message.. I blurred out her full name..

and here is her profile picture..

Life for Brittany couldn't get any worse right now. I am in shock.. everyone is in shock. But let me tell you.. we know where her ♥ was.. but she let her emotions take over and now she's in trouble. And let me tell you.. this took up a lot of both my time and my ex husbands time today too. 

I finally shook off all the events of the day thinking that some shopping would help. I went to the grocery store and hated every minute I was there. I was thinking about everything other than what I needed to be doing. I got out of there as fast as I could.. video coming up tomorrow of what I got.. and then I took the extra care bucks I had and went to CVS. 

I have to admit.. it was nice wondering around looking and not thinking about anything other than makeup.. and the ice cream melting in the trunk.. but I came away with more than I expected. 

You can check out the video and full haul right here if you want to see it. 

Scott finally made it home. 

We all hung out for a while but I could tell that he was just doing his best to keep it together but 

hes sad and worried about his dad. 

Not to mention all the drama going on with Zane. Scotts ex wife has been having serious problems and we have been worried about him so much lately. Just last week this time we thought we were going to get him... but she says he does all the stuff around the house and with the little kids so she needs him. What a life for a 10 year old. Enough said. ( Probably too much said ) 

And then Scott comes home and tells me about drama with a family member that I don't know that well. But everything I have heard about this person is bad. I mean it.. pretty much everything and I made a comment that husby didn't like..I just think that our life is full of family and kid drama. Frankly I wish it would calm down a little. I just was like.. WTF today. I never got that nap.. I actually called Brittanys school today and talked to her which took up about 35 minutes. Can you believe we talked for that long on a school line. .. told you it was serious. She was really concerned about what her father had to say about it.. and really nervous to go home. God.. raising kids is much harder than I ever expected. Trying to make little people good big people could be the biggest challenge in life. Brittany is on the A/B honor roll and we never have serious trouble with her. Maybe its just starting.. and that scares me to death. Her brother feels bad for her but I really think her manners suck on facebook. I think some of the other kids are not good for her to be around and to be friends with on facebook and I also think until she can learn there are consequences or her actions she is banned. And all her friends know now too. Just stay tuned. I won't leave anything out. 

Scott and I took off for a ride. It was super nice just driving around talking. We have so many things going on in so many different directions. And we are not really in control of any of it. My husband is grieving over his father. I wish he could go be with him now and say his goodbyes.. but we are told he is in a coma and he wouldn't know we were there anyway. Scott can't take a ton of time off work.. he has a new job and a lot of he is deciding to wait. Its totally his decision. I support him in anything he wants.. Well I am still fighting for Gabby to go if we have to leave. He might not let me but I am still trying anyway. I want to take her but I know it will be more we have to deal with but she is our family too.. and I don't want to leave her at the Vets.. but if I don't have a choice.. that's where she will go. We have been told he is in his final days but who really knows. Part of me hopes he pulls through and part of me hopes he just easily goes on to the other side. Its heart breaking and it will be a very sad day when he is no longer with us. And for my husband that means both of his parents are gone.. which I know will have to be extremely hard for him. He still has his step mom and my mom but his mom and dad will both be gone. It will be hard. 

Its been an extremely emotional day. I plan on having a big glass of wine.. and drifting off to sleep. I need to catch laundry up just in case we do have to leave. We are still on kitten watch... she looks even bigger today. I'm worried about her too.

And Jackson looked sad all day. When I mentioned that to him he said that his teacher said the same thing. I don't know if we have so much going on that we are missing something with him or if hes just tired or something. We will be home all day tomorrow and I plan on lots of hugs, kisses and giggles.

Its time to write in my journal.. and tonight its going to take a while and then say my prayers which is also going to take a while.

Sweet Dreams


K Jaggers
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