♥ Why Can’t I
ever get to sleep at a reasonable time? I seriously think I need to get back to
the Dr and have more sleep studies done. I am willing to do anything to fix
this problem of mine. Hopefully this glass of

Moscato will help make me sleepy.
♥ The picture above was taken by Jackson! It came out pretty good huh! (:
♥ The picture above was taken by Jackson! It came out pretty good huh! (:
♥ I have no idea
what is going on with Zane. I am just to the point where I am wore out... I
just want to know when its time to pack.
♥ My mom is in a
casino right now..Good Luck!!
♥My phone is still a mess. I don't understand how so many apps got deleted.. I have no idea which ones they were and I feel like my smart phone is pretty stupid right now. I just need to take time to try to get it fixed. I am seriously pissed off about it.
♥ I am wondering
when Gabby is going to give birth. I am a nervous wreck wondering when the
kittens will arrive.
♥ Videos.. Still
working on filming...
Nail Polish
Haul + Swatches
Kitty Video
New Giveaways
Updated Tea Video
Lets Talk Series for next Thursday
♥ But being I am running behind it could take a while to get them all filmed.
♥ Also going to start doing on recipe a week ( if possible ) from this wonderful Julia Child Cookbook.
♥ I am going to start out pretty easy. I want to use my kitchen maid mixer but not sure how many of you have big mixers.. might end up doing it by hand instead. If you have a preference let me know!
♥ Scott has worked his ass off this week. He has came home exhausted every night for five days straight. We miss him.. and I can't wait until he is home with me on Sunday. Also he is taking next Tuesday off too.
♥ I can't begin to explain how bad my closet is. I just shut the door and refuse to go in there. Its time to take a few minutes each day and start going through things and get it back in order.
♥ We are also planning a move in the summer. We want to move out of this house as soon as we can. I hate Scott having to drive so far to work and I am ready for a change. I wish it was Florida but that is on hold at the time being.
♥ My mom is getting me new bedding for my Birthday and I have been looking at different sets all day. So many to choose from. At first I was looking at teal and brown sets and now I am back to looking at all white sets. Idk...just trying to find something pretty!
♥ I have been wearing a mascara lately that is amazing. I can't wait to do a review on it. It makes my lashes look amazing.. Also using a BB Cream that I am loving too! Its what I am wearing in the picture above!
♥ I am thinking about changing the layout of the blog. Still trying to figure out what I want but stay tuned for some bloggy changes in the future!
♥ Here lately when I call my grandmother she is laughing more! Its so cute to hear. (: She is so cute and seems really happy at my Uncle Buddys house.
♥ Dinner was super easy tonight...
♥ Sadly husby wasn't home for dinner. But hopefully tomorrow he will get home sooner. That KFC Sandwich was really good. I ate every bite!
♥ Thinking about Jodi Arias tonight. I wonder what she is doing in her cell. You know.. if you watch her, you will find out that she is pretty easy to like. I know she did a horrible thing but she is likable. I can't wait to see how this turns out. I don't think she should be killed or even get life in prison. I am thinking that maybe a mental hospital would be better. But they don't have that choice. Her actual life is in their hands. Scary..
♥ Jackson stayed in his pjs all day. Then he took a bath and put on another pair of pjs! Yea.. it was a really lazy day.
♥ I need to go to Lowes but I keep putting it off. I want to go get a piece of white picket fence. Maybe I can do it Sunday when husby is home.
♥ I really need to try to clean all the bathrooms.. which is a lot of work.. 3 full bathrooms wears me out. See why I want a smaller house?
♥ The weather is suppose to suck for the next week. God, I just wish spring would get here.
♥ I need to call the CFA..Cat Fanciers of America and get the paperwork going on the kittens. They have been known to mess up before so I want to avoid problems. I have already got a bunch of kitty packs ready.
♥ Tomorrow I need to go to the market. Thinking maybe Jackson can go too. But that will cost me more money!
♥ The neighbors dogs are barking right now.. thats sure a change. They usually yap in the mornings. I hate those little yappy dogs. Another reason to move.
♥Many of my makeup brushes need cleaned. I have so many.. its a big big job.. but have you seen the new
♥ Sigma Brush Spa Glove?? I think it could work really well and seriously thinking about ordering it.
♥ I have been eating wayyyy to much Valentine Candy!
♥ How many of you guys will be watching the Oscars this weekend? I'm not sure if I am tuning in or not. I probably will see bits and pieces but its always too long!
♥ I need to pick Gabby up some more prenatal vitamins..Hopefully I will read this tomorrow and get it on my to do list!
♥ Its super late.. I need sleep.. I plan on sleeping in late so don't expect any post until tomorrow afternoon! When I don't have to wake to the alarm.. I sleep as long as I can!
Have a great Saturday!
K Jaggers
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