Another Cold Night.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

It is really winter around here. Tonight its freezing.. we have a few flurries going on and its hard for me to stay warm. I didn't really want to do anything today and I pretty much accomplished that goal! I slept a lot today and I plan on sleeping in tomorrow too! 

I only went out 2 times today.. One as to shop at a sale at 

and I had a great time! 

Here is what I got.. 

 To see the full post and video click right here! Lots of great goodies! 

And the other time I ran out was to get some food for my family. 

Scott wanted a box of tacos..

and boy.. there were lots of 

them but I had 

chicken instead. Scott tried to stay up. He came in so tired... ate and took a shower. He was in the living room with me and I looked over and he was falling asleep. I told him to stop fighting it and go get some rest. 

Hes being snoring every since! I totally understand him needing some sleep. Like I said.. I slept off and on all day long. And I am still tired. 

I don't have any plans tomorrow. I am not sure if Courtney is coming over or not. I haven't heard back from her... and thats ok too. I  just plan on being comfortable around the house and cooking some ribs! Scott is going to want to watch the Superbowl of course but I will find my way to watch Downton Abbey instead. Hopefully I will get to watch it on time and be able to do a live tweet all the way through it. =) 

I have been pretty quiet the past couple of days. I am just trying to recharge. I just haven't felt like being on the phone. Sometimes its nice to shut things off! I don't mind blogging because its quiet and I don't have to talk.. but my phone rings so much that I just enjoy turning that sucker off when we are all home together. I do have a bunch of posts ready for tomorrow so stay tuned! 

I think its time to snuggle under the blankets and doze off again and hopefully wake up feeling great!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend! 


K Jaggers

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