Sweet Dreams...

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Well how was your day friends!? Mine was pretty uneventful..actually I had the house to myself and liked it! It was nice. I woke up early.. dozed back off in the late morning hours and then worked on making my Avon video..and blog posts. And I even got a little done around the house. But I took it pretty easy most of the day. Why not right? Well.. I must be a lucky girl because tomorrow my husband is off work and getting up and taking Jackson to school for me! That means no alarm clock!  Woooooooooooooooooo-hooooooooo!!! I am sure tomorrow I am going to be having another pretty easy day because its so hard to get motivate to do anything when husby is home. I don't know why that is.. I guess I enjoy hanging out with him instead of cleaning things up around the house! Hopefully we have a nice day together.. if I don't sleep all day long! 

Tonight things were really nice and calm around the house. We hardly even watched tv..Scott and Jackson

got back to the puzzle they have been working on together. 

Looks like they still have a lot to do! But I love seeing my husband and my son together doing something they enjoy. I have a lot of time with Jackson but Scott works so many hours. And tonight, as tired as he was.. he made an hour of puzzle time fun and exciting. I was sitting a room away working online listening to them gab on and on while they were working on the puzzle. It was so freaking cute! Those boys mean everything to me.. Brittany Belle was sick today. =( She stayed home from school and hopefully she will be back to normal tomorrow. I miss her so much and I keep reminding her that its time she packs up from her dads and comes back home!!!!!!!  We miss her! 

So I sent out a mass email with the linkup reminders. If you don't already..get signed up by email so you can get the reminders too! For this weeks Fill in the ___________Friday here are the questions.. 

1. My new year started off ____________.
2. In 2013 I really want to accomplish_________?
3. On cold January days, I stay warm by ___________?
4. My favorite comfort food is ______________ because.. 
5. January reminds me of ____________.
6. My favorite winter sport is __________ because..
7. My favorite January TV shows are ________.

So get your blog post ready and come back Thursday night or Friday and get linked up!! We also have the weekly goals link up too which goes live over the weekend on either Saturday night or Sunday morning. Just write out your weekly goals.. hit publish and link up! =) 

Well tomorrow is already here... I am sleepy so its off to  dream land for me! 

Have a great Thursday! 


K Jaggers
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