It's Ok Thursday!

Thursday, January 10, 2013
Its Ok Thursdays

Happy Thursday friends! Time for another " Its Ok Thursday " .. Enjoy! 

Its ok
to seceretly think some of your family members are complete idiots. Yep.. its ok to think that.. just don't say it! 
Its ok
that I ended up getting upset at another neighbor. Atleast this time its not over those yappy barking dogs next door. But the other neighbor is a complete ass. COMPLETE. 
Its ok
to spend long amounts of time in a bubble bath. Seriously its just fine to lay back and relax. 

Its ok
that this week went by so fast. It seems like just yesterday I was doing this post! 

Its ok
that my kitty cats are some of the biggest loves and the biggest pains all at the same time! 
Its ok
to hope that stalker girl - Angie - finally gets the point that harrassing me will only land her in jail. Stay tuned for more in Friday's letters. 

Its ok
to totally rock black eyeliner during the day. Who made up the daytime and nighttime makeup rules? Believe me.. its just fine! 

Its ok
that my husband has slept in the spare room for the past couple of night. His snoring is totally unbearable at times. But I miss him. 

Its ok
to hit the garage.. when its your garage! Thankgoodness you can't tell on my car that I kinda clipped the edge of the garage. Thank goodness!! Otherwise I would have had to tell on myself. Hopefully husby doesn't see this post! 

Its ok
that I am a bazillion emails behind. I promise I will get all emails answered by Sunday! Just hang in there.. D.T. Promise I will get to you too this weekend! =) 

Its ok
to dream but you have to put the work and effort into those dreams to make them come true. TAKE ACTION! 

Its ok
that I have been so busy I have barely had time for myself. Seriously need a manicure! And yes.. even though I don't work outside the home.. I have a busy and full schedule .. pretty much everyday.

Happy Thursday!

K Jaggers
5 comments on "It's Ok Thursday! "
  1. Love your blog- I found it through the blog party by I am Pisces and Sweet Pea Sylvie.

    Definitely followers, hope you'll follow back!

  2. "It's OK to totally rock black eyeliner during the day. Who made up the daytime and nighttime makeup rules? Believe me.. its just fine!"

    LOL, THANK YOU! I totally agree and was pretty pissed when I heard that "rule" not too long ago :)

  3. @ Becky.. Yes it is! I don't know who made that rule but it totally SUCKS!! Thanks for commenting.. Have a great day!

  4. New follower - beautiful pictures at the top of your blog page!

  5. @ Pamela.. Thank you so much! I just used a online photo editor to make it! =) I am following you back now! Happy New Year!


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