My morning started out early as I knew it would. I had coffee in hand driving Jackson to school.
Jackson was a little bit of a grump too.. but we said goodbye and I came home. I started blogging while watching the news and wanted breakfast that I didn't have to make. so I took off and got some.
Not the healthiest but it was good.
Might get it again tomorrow too!
I was out shopping by about 11am.
Got a bunch of stuff from the Dollar Store that we needed and headed right back home.. Its hard shopping when sleepy!
I came home with one of these Glade Oil Candles.. I thought it would be nice for the bedroom at night.
And the
Angle Whispers smells really really good..
And the container is pretty cute too!
In the evening came homework.. lots of spelling words.
Jackson was not one bit happy about writing them out either. But too bad. Gotta learn them!
For dinner we had crockpot meal # 2
Lasagna.. It turned out really good.. You can see the full post on how to make it right here!
Tomorrow its Crockpot Broccoli Cheese Soup! I can't wait for that meal!
So tonight I came upstairs and see Jackson standing over the toilet saying a prayer.. I wondered what he was doing.. well it turns out we lost one of the newest members of the Jaggers family today..
The orange fish otherwise known as - Fred - is on the other side now. I thought it was sweet that Jackson was holding a little funeral for him and even sweeter that he was praying.
We also found the home for the kitty that showed up too.
You can read all about it right here!! But happy this little guy is back where he belongs. God knows we have enough cats around here already. But Jackson was really hoping we could keep him.
Tomorrow Brandon is off work and will be here all day and then Scott is taking Wednesday off instead of Friday so I doubt I will make the Avon Haul Video until Thursday. Its hard to make videos when the house is full. But I promise it will be up this weekend!
Well.. I need sleep. Tomorrow I plan on staying home and working around the house. There is always so much to do around here. I don't think there is a day that goes by when I am not running around trying to play catch up.
Hope you have a great Tuesday!
K Jaggers
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