Tuesday Topics!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013
The Austin Family Diary

I am new to this linkup and missed the first one!! =((( So I am going ahead and catching up in 1 post!! So here I go!!

10 New Year Resolutions 

I really don't do Resolutions but I do have some goals.. 

Move to Florida as soon as we can! 

Have at least 3 litters of kittens in 2013

Grow my bob hair cut out. 

Make more Videos 

Travel more

Lock up someone who has been stalking me for years.  NO JOKE.

Make time to mediate once a day. 
Finally settle on a new bed room suit. Decisions Decisions.

Kiss my husband and my kids as much as one can take! 

Quit Smoking.. Yep.. seriously got to try. I promised Jackson. 

Make time to paint.

Try to go to bed earlier so I am not so tired in the am. 

Walk the dog more

Ok.. now on to today's question..

9 Blogs

1. misschievous.tv - one of my favorite youtube beauty gurus .. Seriously love her and her blog! 

2. All about William & Kate - . just to keep up with the latest gossip! 

3. Buried with Children - Buried with Children always makes me laugh. Her adventures with her kids seems very similar to our adventures in our house! 

4. Life According to Lenetta because she's my mom! Yes.. my mom blogs too! 

5. Wifessionals - is a refreshing kind of blog. I can find myself on there for a while just browsing around! 

6. Chasing Birdies Shelby from Chasing Birdies is adorable.. and makes me smile when I read her friendly posts! 

7.gl0ssy a sweet blogger friend I just met.. who seems to love makeup as much as I do! 

8. Whispering Sweet Nothings  is a blog that is young and fresh.. I think Shane is sweet and love her blog! 

9. Walking my own Path is my sister in laws new blog! Stop over and say hi if you get a chance.. she is just starting to make bloggy friends! 

Link up!

Happy Tuesday! 

I am also adding this post to 


K Jaggers
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