Quiet Evening..

Sunday, November 25, 2012

I have been busy today cleaning up our house. Its big.. and it takes a lot of work to keep up. And it never stays picked up for long. But instead of doing it all tomorrow.. I thought I would get a jump start on things. Plus the service for my cousin is going on and it's helped keep it off my mind so much.. Its hard to not think about it.. its rather heartbreaking. Not only does it hurt that he had to do that to himself to feel peace but also because our family just keeps disappearing. So its been kinda a somber day.

We did decide on fast food again for a late afternoon snack. Jackson was really wanting some nuggets so we took off...

and I made his lazy butt go too. We have got use to the Mickey D life.. it seems to work every time! 

I will be back to cooking this week. I don't know about tonight but things are getting back to normal around here. Scott is going to be working long hours. I am really going to miss him but I we text a lot and he's only a phone call away. I just hope its better than where he was working. Hopefully he will start coming home with a smile on his face! 

I still need to finish the Christmas Tree but I am not sure I will get all that done tonight. Scott still needs to put the train and lights above the door.. But laundry has my attention tonight. Gosh.. laundry.. laundry.. laundry.. is a never ending job in our home. 

I am going to try to get another 15 day Get to know the Blogger post up in a little while. i am trying to catch up!! 

Anyway, I hope you are having a great evening.. its sucks tomorrow is MONDAY.. Yuck. I have to be up super early..so I should try to get to bed at a reasonable hour tonight. 

Talk to you soon! 


K Jaggers

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